adverse possesion
(Querist) 28 July 2009
This query is : Resolved
My father bought land at Bikaner in 1965 and was forcefully occupied in 1981 . In 1982 a case was filed in the District court . In 2008 during cross examination he (Presently 80 years of age and hard of hearing ) misunderstood the question asked and stated that the possesion was taken in 1965. Court ruled Adverse possesion in fvour of opponents.We are planning appeal in HIGH COURT .
What should be line of action or grounds of appeal?
Would the latest ruling of Supreme court on adverse possesion help ?
The perons mentioned in the case as defendants have either expired or sold their possesion to others . How can the present occupants be brought to books?
please advice .
dinker bhaia
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 08 October 2009
I think u might have filed ur appeal. It is better to bring additional evidence qua the time of possession which can be provide through some evidence. it hardly matters who is in possession now.
Gulshan Tanwar
(Expert) 01 May 2010
various judgements on this subject