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advocates and specialisation

(Querist) 22 November 2008 This query is : Resolved 
i want to discuss this forum that the lawyer if specialised in any area cant write his specialisation in his board or card e.t.c a doctor is writing his spec. with proud and the patient gets right tratment, why this is not allowed in law and litigants faces problems when the matter is been taken by any advocate not specialised inthat field? can any suggession in this regard can be given to bar council? what is the opinion of everyone? pls share your thoughts?
G. ARAVINTHAN (Expert) 22 November 2008
According to the provisions mentioned in Advocates Act and professional ethics, it is not good
smilingadvocate (Expert) 22 November 2008
As our friend said it is correct it amounts to advertisement and soliciting work which is prohibited, I under stand the anguish of satya he says gullible clients with out knowing that who is experienced inwhat they hand over their briefs to them, but later onthey will come to knowthat they arenot well versed with the said law.
in the medical profession u can see no only MBBS doctor would do a physician work and he treats all the minor disease where no specialisation requires, and the surgeon's who are specialised would operate the surgery of he specialised and the general surgeon would operate any surgery as like the medical profession, they are general law practitioner are there and specialised lawyers are also there, but thespecialisation in our profession comes from experience and the quantity of cases which they have and practice. if disagree and your comments kindly email to me
J K Agrawal (Expert) 23 November 2008
It is really a tough job to search a right advocate. A client has no means to check that a particular advocate is acquainted to the law relating his problem. He has to depend on famousness or mouth publicity of an advocate. As we are in profession, we know that how intelligent are the so called famous advocates earning a lot of money.

I do not mean that one advocate should advertise himself to be an expert of a particular field but certainly there should be a mean with the client to satisfy himself about the quality of an advocate.
Suresh Kr. Mitruka (Expert) 26 November 2008
In Medical Profession, the doctors are getting the additional degree/diploma for practising in that particular field as an specialist, but we lawyers do not have such additional diploma. In medical profession,once a doctor claim himself as an specialist in one particular branch, as per medical ethics, he cannot practice in other branch and treat the patient, even for his friend.

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