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Affidavit for withdrawing vakalat

(Querist) 15 December 2021 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Experts,
Based on some earlier suggestions,I asked my previous counsel to give NOC, however he collected the noc fees (gpay) but still has been evading me saying he is out of town etc. So we would like to file an affidavit with proof of communication with my counsel and request court to allow us to submit arguments as party. Court told us to submit written args after NOC or after we file affidavit.
Should each respondent file a separate affidavit to discharge the counsel, or a single affidavit is enough for both respondents? Also, on next date are both respondents required to be present? second respondent is my mother who may not be able to come, so I was thinking if I can submit her affidavit.
Please suggest.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 15 December 2021
Yes. A counter affidavit is sufficient for both respondents and you can attend in person and on behalf of your mother also. For the safe side, take a doctor certificate.
Ananda (Querist) 18 December 2021
I prepared this, hope this should work. Please comment.

We, __________, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:

1) We are ....and well conversant ....
2) ....
3) Thus, we seek this Hon’ble Court’s permission to appear as Party in Person or appoint another counsel if needed.

WHEREFORE, we humbly pray this Honble COurt to permit us to appear as Party in Person or appoing another counself in the interest of justice.


We, ______ and ____, abovenamed deponents do hereby verify on oath that contents of affidavit above are true to best of my/our knowledge.

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