Agreement to revenue sharing
Amit bhardwaj
(Querist) 09 September 2011
This query is : Resolved
Dear all experts,
How we can registered a Agreement to Revenue Sharing? The problem is how we can determine the stamp duty or registration charges,so the revenue is depend on other's party profit and the profit is varying month to month?
Shastri J.K.
(Expert) 09 September 2011
stamp duty is fixed on registration of Agreement.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 09 September 2011
Things are not as clear as they should be hence no proper reply is possible.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 09 September 2011
we always have to solve riddles
Ganesh Chavan
(Expert) 09 September 2011
Meaning of the words is not clear, please clear the meaning-"the revenue is depend on other's party profit and the profit is varying month to month" because the the stamp duty or registration charges depends upon the Consideration/Value of the Property decided for Agreement.
Amit bhardwaj
(Querist) 12 September 2011
If we will go to do registration, Agreement to Revenue sharing document related to real estate? How we can considered the revenue for registration? Agreement to revenue sharing means, it is also a part of lease deed, in which we will take profit share except rent/premium? so at the time of registration how we can consideration the profit's share? so profit is varying month to month. Kindly reply.