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Ahmedabad munciapal corporation not addressing my complaint since long

(Querist) 07 November 2014 This query is : Resolved 
I have filled a complaint in ahmedabad muncipal corporation for get tax relaxation in my property due to non use. More than six months has been passed and i visited AMC office many times but nothing is happening. I had even written a letter to muncipal commisoner but there is no response from him also.

It is offen that we have to file complaints to AMC for many small reasons like, drainage, cleaniness, street lights, road resurfacing but most of them are addressed very late. and many of them are never been address.

So here i want to know that what legal step i can take to against government officers.

Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 07 November 2014
One can file wirt application in the high court of the nature of Mandamus whenever any public authority or its officials fails to discharge its public function.
ajay sethi (Expert) 07 November 2014
file RTI application in this regard
Tapan (Querist) 08 November 2014
Thank you for the reply
ajay sethi (Expert) 08 November 2014
thanks for your appreciation
Tapan (Querist) 10 November 2014
Expecting more suggestion
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 13 November 2014
Besides writ or RTI, you may go for a practical compromise situation namely passing on consideration etc, or send a legal notice giving the details of your complaint demanding the relief, if it fails to invoke response, you may choose to file a civil suit seeking relief desired.
Tapan (Querist) 15 November 2014
Is it mandatory to take help of a advocate in a small matters also. There is no government agency been establish to resolve such kind of problem.
ajay sethi (Expert) 17 November 2014
no need to engage advocates

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