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Airtel Mobile Service

(Querist) 13 July 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Hi, I have been having mobile internet issue with Airtel from past a year and I escalated but still no resolution.
Is it possible to file a complaint in consumer court for inconvenience, no proper service and resolution. What is the procedure and risk involved
K Rajasekharan (Expert) 13 July 2018
Yes, you can file a consumer complaint for deficiency of service in the appropriate consumer court.

A model format for the purpose is available with the office of the court. Please fill the required details and file the complaint. An advocate is not required to file a complaint.

You don’t need to prove everything with evidence as being done in a court of law. If the Presiding officer of the forum is a reasonable person he will be guided by genuineness of the case and give relief based on it.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 14 July 2018
Well advised by expert Mr. K Rajashekharan, I agree.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 15 July 2018
The procedure is simple and is cost effective.

Although M/s Airtel may appear thru IT's lawyers.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 15 July 2018
You can appear in person, thru a seasoned ‘Authorized representative’ or thru a very able LOCAL senior counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in consumer matters and well versed with LOCAL applicable rules/laws and having successful track record…. and worth his/her salt…….
Check for such counsel at LOCAL DCDRF, State Commission, National Commission…

GO thru;
Supreme Court of India
C. Venkatachalam vs Ajitkumar C. Shah & Ors on 29 August, 2011
Author: D Bhandari
Bench: Dalveer Bhandari, Mukundakam Sharma, Anil R. Dave
1… The Consumer Forum considered the applications and held that the authorized agent had no right to act and plead before the Consumer Forum as he was not enrolled as an advocate.
5. The High Court in the impugned judgment held that a party before the District Consumer Forum/State Commission cannot be compelled to engage services of an advocate.
87. When the legislature has permitted authorized agents to appear on behalf of the complainant, then the courts can't compel the consumer to engage the services of an advocate.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 15 July 2018

National Consumer Disputes Redressal
In Re: Authorised Representative ... vs Unknown on 2 January, 2003
Bench: D W Member, R Rao, B Taimni

Draft regulations regarding appearance of Non advocates in Consumer Fora

Central Government Act
the Consumer Protection Act, 1986
Consumer Court FAQ’s
Consumer court can now decide telecom complaints
State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Bsnl vs Smti Betty Sebastian on 25 February, 2014
Kumar Doab (Expert) 15 July 2018

The details of Act, procedure, and judgments including for M/s Airtel , can be seen and downloaded from;

The staff at many fora is helpful.

Meet the Reader, Superintendent and inquire for any details that you may want.

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