Airtel value adde services charges-
(Querist) 20 January 2013
This query is : Resolved
Respected Sir,
I would like to bring to ur notice that how airtell is fleecing money from consumers like me. I have a Micromax A52 Dual sim with Aircel 9790812579 & Aitell connection 9790940028. Aircel is prepaid and I have activated 3 G on it. Airtell is a CUG connection in the company name . Ph No Airtell is 9790940028.
On 29th I checked my mobile bill through IVRS and it was showing Rs 6600/- , I called the call centre and enquired the reason for such a high bill, They informed that I had used GPRS close to 650 MB. I lodged a complaint with the call centre saying that I never requested for activation for the so called ZERO RENTAL PLAN of the service and they gave me a vague reason saying that since I had changed my mobile Airtel Zero Rental plan for Internet got activated by default. This is CUG company connection , for any plan the Airtell has to get the confirmation from the company . As per TRAI direction the services cannot be activated and renewed without the confirmation from the customer. Neither I was informed of the activation or the company has authorized or was informed and neither I or company was informed when it was renewed. There is no mention of Zero Rental Plan .The complaint was lodged complaint no 47885947 Dt 30/12/2012 and I recived a message saying that I get the update on 31 dec by 17.30. I recived a message on 30/12/2012 saying GPRS has been stopped on my mobile. Next day the person from airtell called me and conveyed that you will have to pay the amount as u have used GPRS 650 MB and closed the complaint. On 31 /12 /2012 I am recving a message saying your unbilled amount is Rs 6807.50 and on 1 st Jan 2013 Iam reciving a message saying that my unbilled amount is Rs 7312.80 even after reciving the message from them that GPRS has been deactivated on my mobile . I would like to bring to your notice that TRAI directions have been clearly violated by the company , , I had lodged a complaint again on 1st jan 2013 for which I was given interaction ID by airtell customer care 1189235511. The present bill amount claimed by airtel is Rs 8570/- In their bill itself it is advertised Rs 250/- for 1 GB plan.
And as per the TRAI norms the service provider in view of the above, And I quote from TRAI directives as given below
Since I have a company connection It was never intimated to me or my company regarding changes in the plan clear violation of TRAI direction
Kindly request you to provide me the guidance how should I file a legal case against airtell and claiming back the amount.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 20 January 2013
Make post here in short version. These long queries would remain mostly unnoticed.
Lodge complaint with TRAI.
(Querist) 20 January 2013
Fine sir I will do it as advised by u
ajay sethi
(Expert) 20 January 2013
always summarise your case in few sentences . as already advised file complaint with TRAI
(Querist) 20 January 2013
Kindly advise if my grievance is legally valid ,are there any chances of me getting relief
ajay sethi
(Expert) 20 January 2013
yes you have a good case . you never aksed for a particular plan but it has been foisted upon you
(Querist) 20 January 2013
Really thank you for your valuble advice sir.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 20 January 2013
for such a long query contact local lawyer.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 20 January 2013
Nothing to add in the already given advice.
(Querist) 24 January 2013
I have lodged complaint with TRAi , They have directed me to this answer, Kindly advise What way I can enforce TRAI norms legally ,
The TRAI Act, 1997 does not envisage handling of individual consumer complaints by TRAI. As per the Telecom Consumers Protection and Redressal of Grievances Regulations, 2007, in case a consumer has a complaint, the first step is to register the complaint at the toll free Call Centre number of the service provider and obtain a docket number, confirming registration of the complain