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Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 18 July 2020 This query is : Resolved 
I am not understanding evidence law. I am trying now and then but I don't know why I am not able to understand it maybe it's because of language or there can be other reasons too. Help me.
Guest (Expert) 19 July 2020
Our Sister concern of Lawyers Club India Forum " Lawyered " is conducting many Online Courses /Seminars in which " Evidence Law " is also there . Discuss with them .
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 19 July 2020
You are right the language of Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is as such that it becomes difficult to conceive till you apply it in particular circumstances.
During longer period of practice you will find it is very much required, essential and very interesting subject.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 19 July 2020
At present you are required to keep the provision of the Act in your mind for its applicability when you are submitting examination-in-chief or cross-examining a witness.
Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 19 July 2020
1. Join a Law College to learn to understand Evidence Act and other laws. Nobody else can help you.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 19 July 2020
If you are a law student, discussion is the best avenue. Discuss again and again with your classmates.

Can take help of your professor.

Go through notes 5-6 times and start discussing afterwards.

If Advocate, referring precedents / decisions and deep study would help.
K Rajasekharan (Expert) 20 July 2020
In an attempt to make a simplified introductory note on Indian Evidence Act, I prepared a 22 page write up titled "Indian Evidence Act in a Nutshell" .

Kindly see whether it is of any help to you in understanding it.  If you can make out a broad grasp of the three parts of the act and their interrelationship, it would be easier for you to expand your understanding of it.

The beauty of the drafting of the evidence act is that no unnecessary word is used in its drafting.

The main problem for us in learning it is that we are familiar more with a different kind of Indian drafting which is abundant with unnecessary words, pompous frills and circular constructions. 

We live in a world where our supreme court issues judgements running into 1500 pages which could be said in one-tenth of their length. If so, people would have read them.

The write up is available at
Guest (Expert) 20 July 2020
An Very Good Article by Advocate Mr. K.Rajasekharan. Appreciated.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 20 July 2020
Very good effort from the expert. Gagar mein Saagar (गागर में सागर ).
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 21 July 2020
Very educative and excellent article on the subject.
Kudos !!!!
K Rajasekharan (Expert) 25 July 2020
Really thankfull to all dear learned experts for the nice comments, which make my sparing of time on it not worthless.
Adv chirag Vajani (Expert) 19 October 2020
start with basics of law, legal language and interpretation of statues etc. then you may start understanding law of evidence and other laws. In case you are not lawyer then joining law college will be a best option!

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