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Ancestral property query

(Querist) 18 December 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I am not sure if I ma asking this in the correct place.

We are a Hindu family and my grandmother had received an ancestral property from her parents.

My grandmother is alive and my maternal uncle, who is a vigilance judge has registered the whole property in his name.

My uncle has 3 sisters including my mother. He has not informed us about this till we raised the question of partitioning the property.

I would like to know the following,

1.) if I have any options left to get my rightful share on the property (If any).

2.) Is there any special procedure to be followed if filing a civil case on the above matter and who should be the accused in the case, my grand mother or my uncle ?

Would appreciate a response on the same, as it will help me decide to take further course of action.
ajay sethi (Expert) 18 December 2013
how did your grand mother receive the property ?was it self acquired property of her parents?

if property was standing in your grand mother name how was property registered in your uncle name ? did your grandmother executed gift deed in favour of your uncle?

was any relinquishment deed signed by 3 sisters?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 18 December 2013
Revert to points raised by Mr. Sethi.

Anoop (Querist) 18 December 2013
Thanks a lot for your reply.

I think my grandmothers father has bought that property and its the house in which they lived.

During the partition of earlier generation my grandmother inherited that property and I am sure that even her brothers had right to stay in that house even after partitioning of the property.

I came to know that the house is now demolished with out anybody's knowledge.

I have no clue on how the property was registered in his name.

I am sure nothing was signed by my mother (who is one of the 3 sisters)
ajay sethi (Expert) 18 December 2013
you can ask your grand mother these details . you should be sure about your facts ,. how can you take any legal steps unless your facts are clear . take search in sub registrar office relating to the property in question
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 18 December 2013
First gather all the facts after search from the Registrar office, and with all facts and documents contact local lawyer.
Anoop (Querist) 18 December 2013
Thanks for the reply.

Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 18 December 2013
yes furnish the details and then we can revert.
ajay sethi (Expert) 18 December 2013
thanks for your appreciation
R.V.RAO (Expert) 25 February 2014
yes.a search can be conducted by your advocate in sro about details as to how the property passed on to your uncle,and what documents were created in that connection.

as your grand mother's father self acquired the property,yours is 4 th is ancestral property for you,but how it ended up only with your uncle needs to be ascertained.

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