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Appeal before session courts

(Querist) 05 June 2022 This query is : Resolved 
civil judge has rejected a plaint of suit for permanent injunction on the ground of that the suit is" BAR BY LAW" and plaintiff preffered appeal before sessions court on30-11-2018, i am one of the RESPONDENT in this case.
FIRSTLY: appellant filed wrong address of me and when court directed him to file correct address then after 2 years of filing the appeal, the appellant file correct address of mine. moreover appellant is my relative and many civil cases are pending between us and my correct address is on the file of record.
SECONDLY: After covid 19,appellant appeared but not argued the appeal took 4 adjournments till now. and court order; arguments not advance by appellant.And now appeal is pending for 3 years and 6 months.
sir this is bogus appeal and appellant harassing me by taking adjournments
please suggest me, my legal step on this stage
Sandeep Dahiya
kavksatyanarayana Online (Expert) 05 June 2022
You ask your own counsel to file a prayer request for the court to dispose of the case at the earliest possible.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal (Expert) 06 June 2022
If appellant seeks adjournment for hearing your counsel should raise objections.Make request to court to decide appeal at earliest.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 08 June 2022
Get the appeal dismissed for non-prosecution or impose cost upon the appellant after taking objections by your lawyer against repeated adjournments.
An order passed by Civil Judge has to be appealed before District Judge and not Sessions Judge, please check.
P. Venu (Expert) 08 June 2022
What do you mean by "BAR BY LAW"? Please post the material facts.
Pradipta Nath (Expert) 09 June 2022
Next time the appellant takes adjournment, object it and pray for cost and last warning.

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