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Applicability of building & construction workers act to elevator industry-reg

(Querist) 28 March 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Legal experts,

Our industry is a Elevatory manufacturers selling and installing elevators at customer sites.recently we were asked to register under BOCW act in one of the customer site as we are contractors for installation of elevators and escalators.To my knowledge none of the elevator industry has registered so far in construction site .Kindly advice whether we are covered under BOCW ACT.

Pradeep MK (Expert) 29 March 2013
The declination of “building or other construction work” under the THE BUILDING AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORKERS (REGULATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ACT, 1996 cover the your business under the maintaince of building. Hence you are covered under the Act. The text of defination is produced below

“building or other construction work”- means the construction, alteration, repairs, maintenance or demolition- of or, in relation to, buildings, streets, roads, railways, tramways, airfields, irrigation, drainage, embankment and navigation works, flood control works
(including storm water drainage works), generation, transmission and distribution of power, water works (including channels for distribution of water), oil and gas installations, electric lines, wireless, radio; television, telephone, telegraph and overseas communication dams, canals, reservoirs, watercourses, tunnels, bridges, viaducts, aquaducts, pipelines, towers, cooling towers, transmission towers and such other work as may be specified in this behalf by the appropriate Government, by notification but does not include any building or other construction work to which the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948), or the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952), apply;
Adv k . mahesh (Expert) 29 March 2013
very detail explanaiton
prabhakar singh (Expert) 29 March 2013
aptly answered,nothing to add.

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