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Appointment on compassionate ground

(Querist) 02 June 2017 This query is : Resolved 
My father was working in BSNL Ranchi. He died on 03.03.2014. My mother is not alive, she died on 21.05.2002. I got married on 12.02 2011. Due to husband cruelty I was living with my father since marriage and was totally dependent on father. A conjugal right case is also filed by my husband in court, After the death of my father I approached the BSNL authority and requested for compassionate appointment. Initially they not responded but after meeting higher authority they responded. After that they denied telling that married daughter is not entitled to get compassionate appointment. What I have to do now?
krishna mohan (Expert) 02 June 2017
If BSNL declined in writing citing the ground on which you are not eligible, you may approach an able lawyer specializing on service matters to file a case in CAT on the basis of case filed for divorce before the death of your father.
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 02 June 2017
Married daughter is also eligible for compassionate appoinment.File case with TAT.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 02 June 2017
May proceed as advised by the expert Isaac Gabriel.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 02 June 2017
Saying,asking,telling, etc are all verbal modes of communication and difficult to prove.

1st thing 1st Submit application for compassionate employment under proper acknowledgment.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 02 June 2017
You may go thru:

and pick up relevant points.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 02 June 2017
You may also go thru:

Kumar Doab (Expert) 02 June 2017
Agreed with Mr. Issac Gabriel.

'Married daughter is also eligible for compassionate appointment.'.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 03 June 2017
Not eligible. response of BSNL is correct.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 03 June 2017

in that case the applicant is not married daughter. Not identical to her case.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 03 June 2017
1st thing 1st:Download the Rules on Compassionate Employment.

Take help of seasoned union leaders/counsels to prepare to submit application for compassionate employment.

Submit application for compassionate employment under proper acknowledgment.

Upon getting declinature in writing, approach a very able local counsel of unshakable repute and integrity, specializing in service matters, for a considered opinion.

Your counsel would be having all precedence’s to date and can opine on merits in your case.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 03 June 2017
There are many threads on 'Compassionate Employment/ Compassionate Appointment.'

That you can search in 'SEARCH' option and pick up points that are relevant and useful.

Guest (Expert) 03 June 2017
@Kumar Doab,

Do you mean Mr. Sudhir Kumar has misguided, when he stated, "Not eligible. response of BSNL is correct?"

When you do not know service rules of Government departments and the PSUs, why give false hopes without knowing anything? Why do you try to poke your nose everywhere just to mislead the authors of the queries and suggest them costly and time consuming methods that are destined to fail with certainty?

You have suggested, "1st thing 1st:Download the Rules on Compassionate Employment. Why not you download the rules to find out if there is any scope and tell her what to do to get job for sure?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 03 June 2017

You will not ask any question on anything from anyone.

Guest (Expert) 03 June 2017
@imposter Kumar Doab

Your post "You will not ask any question on anything from anyone," clearly smacks with your irritation and frustration, when proved wrong, and also denotes the fact that you don't have the answer to my question.

Anyway, you are welcome with your acute irritation and frustration.

By the way, why you appear with your fake identity and don't come forward with your real name, photo and location? Are you afraid of anyone or you are a hardened criminal or an agent of enemy country that you are hiding your real identity to avoid your recognition and arrest?

Kumar Doab (Expert) 03 June 2017
Poseer, Imposter, Abuser, habitual offender IT=@PSD,

You have never been, is not, will never be welcome with your TRADEMARK insatiable itch, frustration, irritation ..................and anything else that has not been diagnosed so far at plateform of LCI....................

Now get lost.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 03 June 2017
Dear LCI Author/Querist @2101anshu

All Readers

1st thing 1st:Download the Rules on Compassionate Employment of the establishment.

Take help of seasoned union leaders/counsels to understand, align/prepare and submit application for compassionate employment.

Submit application for compassionate employment under proper acknowledgment.

Upon getting declinature in writing, approach a very able local counsel of unshakable repute and integrity, specializing in service matters, for a considered opinion.

Your counsel would be having all precedence’s to date and can opine on merits in your case.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 03 June 2017
No doubt Mr Kumar Doab has expressed total disagreement with my view.

No doubt I believe that no union leader (atleast in today's scenario) would be able to prevail upon any authority to act against govt policy. The union activity in Govt sector post 6th Pay commission is symbolic now.

No doubt I believe that the querist is not eligible for compassionate appointment.

Bo doubt that advising the queriest to go for consultation of seasoned advocate (who may charge heavily ) is of no use as she is ineligible.

yet I may not agree him to be imposter.
Guest (Expert) 04 June 2017
Dear Sudhir Kumar,

You may say anything about Kumar Doab, but your own observations, as reproduced below, in themselves, have proved that Kumar Doab is merely an imposter, not an expert, who generally misguide people with his wrong, misleading and sidetracking advice.

"NO DOUBT Mr Kumar Doab has expressed total disagreement with my view."

"NO DOUBT I believe that no union leader (atleast in today's scenario) would be able to prevail upon any authority to act against govt policy. The union activity in Govt sector post 6th Pay commission is symbolic now."

"NO DOUBT I believe that the querist is not eligible for compassionate appointment."

"NO DOUBT that advising the queriest to go for consultation of seasoned advocate (who may charge heavily ) is of no use as she is ineligible."



Anyway, thanks for directly confirming my opinion about Kumar Doab through your observations.
Guest (Expert) 05 June 2017
@ Imposter Kumar Doab,

You are welcome with utter frustration and irritation on your being exposed abundantly, as an imposter even by your own trusted friends, like Mr. Sudhir Kumar also.
Guest (Expert) 05 June 2017
@ Imposter & Fake expert Kumar Doab,

When you had already made a post, a day before, starting with the sentence, "1st thing 1st:Download the Rules on Compassionate Employment," and ending with sentence, "Your counsel would be having all precedence’s to date and can opine on merits in your case," WHAT WAS THE UTILITY OF REPEATING EXACTLY THE SAME AGAIN JUST AFTER SOME HOURS OF YOUR FIRST POST?

That clearly demonstrate that you are really infested with some chronic disease and you post multiple posts just to satisfy your mind and soul to get some relief from your chronic disease, but still remain unhealed.


Kumar Doab (Expert) 10 June 2017
At the cost of repeating:

Dear LCI Author @ 2101anshu ,

LCI Admin,

All Readers.....

It is known to one and all that old, senior experts of LCI have joined other portals and IT=@PSD shall not be accepted by other portals.

That is what IT=@PSD has earned for self at LCI.

IT=@PSD, is making us to believe that IT has become a burden and that we all are forced to bear IT=@PSD.

But the fact is otherwise.

IT=@PSD has not rendered honorable service at LCI.

IT=@PSD has not rendered honorary services at LCI.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 10 June 2017
This is also at the cost of repeating:

The IT=@PSD has not adhered to generosity and magnanimity of experts or the therapy with urine and cow-dung could have helped to get rid of chronic,infectious, diseases that IT=@PSD has successfully advertised at LCI.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 10 June 2017
At the plateform of LCI IT=@PSD has advertised that adding title Mr/Mrs/shri/Shrimati (equivalent of Zenab/Mohtarma) to one's name makes one tout ( Dalaal/Dalla/Bhadwa)................

IT=@PSD has not advertised which original research on IT's=@PSD's tribal genes, customs proves it.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 10 June 2017
At the plateform of LCI IT=@PSD has advertised that adding title Mr/Mrs/shri/Shrimati (equivalent of Zenab/Mohtarma) to one's name makes one tout ( Dalaal/Dalla/Bhadwa)................

IT=@PSD has not advertised which original research on IT's=@PSD's tribal genes, customs proves it.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 10 June 2017
This is also at the cost of repeating:


--was never anything,anybody at LCI.

--is not anything,anybody at LCI.

--will never be anything,anybody at LCI.

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