Appointment with high court judge..
Dharmish Bhupen Shah
(Querist) 01 April 2012
This query is : Resolved
dear people,
I want to take an appointment with Present/retired high court judge (mumbai). Can any one help me out how to approach them? what is the time they can give? and what are the fees charged by them normally? I have 2 present judge and 1 retired judge whom i want to approach.
thank u.
(Expert) 01 April 2012
subject matter?? or just want to waste everybody's time???
Do you think they are abnormal or Super Human??
Dharmish Bhupen Shah
(Querist) 01 April 2012
Shroff Sir,
Thanks for the reply..
On 1st Place, My college principal is from Mgmt background. So i cant go to him for advice on LEgal Case pending in high court.
secondly, i m not here for wasting any ones time as i myself dont have time to waste.
Third: About subject matter, i had clearly mentioned in my previous post. In that post you had commented.
And lastly,
in this post, i had clearly mentioned my subject.
I ll be highly obliged if you can really help me with my subject.
THanking you in anticipation,
Dharmish Shah
(Expert) 01 April 2012
so follow mr shethy
Nadeem Qureshi
(Expert) 02 April 2012
Dear Querist
what do you want to meet with Judges? what is your matter?
(Expert) 02 April 2012
No suggestions can help you for your audience with Judges and all depend on your efforts and reasons for your audience with the Judges or Judge.
Dharmish Bhupen Shah
(Querist) 02 April 2012
Nadeem Sir,
I want to meet them for taking second opinion. I want to revive my company Petition instead of filing new one... In 1997 my father had filed CP for winding up. The orders in 2007, 2008, recalled in 2010, again final order in 2010 were in my favor. However, division bench set aside the order in an appeal and asked us to file Summary Suit. Now suit is decreed in my our favor. Appeal has not been preferred. However fact is company doesnt have money to pay and is not doing any significant business. Options available with me are Filing Execution Application Or COmpany Petition...
So my main query is Can i REVIVE MY ORIGINAL PETITON under RULE 9 (inherent power of court).. For this i want to take the opinion/s of judge. SO this will save time of court as well.
Please if u can guide me.
Thank you
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 02 April 2012
Why do you not put your query here instead to insisting meeting retired and working judges of high court?
Your query can be got resolved by law experts but if you are adamant to meet them then I can advice you to confine yourself only up to a retired judge instead of trying to meet working high court judge for the discussion over your running case.
There is no such system in India to directly talk with the litigant by judges over his matter and charge fee from him.
Dharmish Bhupen Shah
(Querist) 02 April 2012
I already had posted but there was no concrete opinion... I m really thankful to you for your answer and time...
Thanks a Lot Raj Sir..
Deepak Nair
(Expert) 02 April 2012
Many of the retire judges have offices and some operate from home to provide services in legal issues. Just find out the contact details from the directory and take an appoiontment personally.
You do not need services of experts for that.
venkatesh Rao
(Expert) 02 April 2012
Meeting the serving high court judges is some what alien to the accepted principles,protocol and etiquette prevailing in our country.