Apprentices stipend
shubh chandrika
(Querist) 26 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
an educational institution is getting grants from the company who is the employer of the apprentices, for apprenticeship of the students. The institution is deriving profit out of the grants but not paying stipend to the students.
(1) Is there any way through which the institution can be made to pay the stipend to the apprentices ?
(2) Can the students work in the factory as apprentices for 5 days a week and attend theoretical classes once a week ?
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 26 October 2009
1. There is no way out vide which institution can be pressurized to pay stipend to the apprentices because it depends upon the contract entered therein. If any provision exists therein then you are entitled for otherwise not.
2. Yes. They can do so subject to the provisions/