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arbitration ?????????

(Querist) 11 July 2009 This query is : Resolved 
How a lowyer can become a arbitrator?
what one has to do to become full fleshed arbitrator?
A V Vishal (Expert) 12 July 2009
An arbitrator role is akin to a judge role, he must be well versed not only in substantiative but also procedural law, he must have specialised in ADR & other related laws. He must not only possess knowledge of law but have personal traits such as patience, understanding and sound judgement apart from which he needs to be impartial.

Arbitrators are generally selected by the parties in dispute, if you possess the qualities then you are desirable to arbitrate in any matter.

The most important role of any lawyer before taking up a brief is that of an arbitrator.
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 12 July 2009
first tell us

What is lowyer?


What is full fleshed?

if u ve got an orkut profile then join the community Arbitration there u ll find a lot of registered arbitrators.

in fact there are few registered arbitration bodies as well...for that u can make a search on internet.

however u r advised to go for some Post Graduate course in Arbitartion law as well.
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Expert) 12 July 2009
sand a legal notice according arbitration act. on behalf of a party.(memorundam)
mantion everything whatever issue?in the notice and give a limited period to the other party for negotiation,
that is the procedure to make a arbi.
when a party appoint u as thair issue for arbi. to the other party .u r arbi.
fully arbi. is a part of continus practis

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