arbitration & conciliation act 1996

Querist :
(Querist) 15 November 2009
This query is : Resolved
Sir , i have a small query . Please do get it answered . Query is :
I had applied for Arbitration in NSE .It was dismissed on ground of Limitation . I got the Award on 23-5-2009 . I made an application U/S 33 on 12-6-2009 . It was disposed off on 7-8-2009 with the remarks
" app. is outside the purview of Sec. 33 Of Arb. & Con. Act." Now , to file an appeal against the Award and the order in the High Court ,, how to determine the tome of 3 months ? . please reply. Thanking You
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 15 November 2009
Definitely the appeal shall be barred by limitation but file an application seeking condonation of delay on the grounds which lead you to approach belatedly.