Dr.Anjani Kumar Vaidyasen,09431271130,Patna
(Querist) 31 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir, An arbitral proceedings is going on for dispute arising between consignee and consinor.After submission of affidavited counter statemnt the consignee has not fixed the next date for hearing the matter because the consignee is totally under influence of the respondent.My question is that1. any time is fixed for the award of arbitration matter.2.What steps should be taken for early award?
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 31 October 2009
Arbitrator has power to fix the time within which the dispute is to be settled. You can pray to the arbitrator to dispose off the matter as earliest as possible and there is no other way in this matter.
Sachin Bhatia
(Expert) 31 October 2009
You can pray to the arbitrator for early disposal of the matter.
(Expert) 01 November 2009
(Expert) 01 November 2009
sir there is no time limit fixed to make the arbitral award however as per sec.25 of arb. and con. act which deals with default by a party the petitioner may pray to the arbitrator to continue with the proceedings and to give date.
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