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Armed force tribunal

(Querist) 23 January 2021 This query is : Resolved 
Respected sir, I am discharge from from indian army on Apr 2020. my service period is 8 years and I had received from indian army discharge certificate (under sec 23 Army rule 12) with reason is deserter .if can i apply with this discharge certificate further govt jobs . In this discharge certificate service period mention from time to time .is it any problem for govt jobs apply?. can i apply govt jobs with age relaxation .please help me sir
Guest (Expert) 23 January 2021
Refer the Orders in the Indian Armed Courts Tribunal on 28 th Nov 2017 in the case of " Jagjit Singh VS Union of Inaia " which states " Once he is not in Service the Relationship of Master and Servant that is , between the Indian Army and the Applicant comes to nought and now he neither is an deserter nor an Indian Army Personnel and he is now Free "
Guest (Expert) 23 January 2021
But Still it would be at the Discretion of the Concerned Govt Department and make your attempt disclosing all the facts. All the Best.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 24 January 2021
you have given only half facts.

Are you pensioner?
If you are not pensioner then your are not ESM.
kenchugundu nataraju (Querist) 24 January 2021
I am not a pension holder but how can take my age relexaxation of my rendering service. In govt job notifications notify that misconduct or mis behaviour with or with out mention . still my age is 33 years and can i apply age benfits from with discharge certificate
kenchugundu nataraju (Querist) 24 January 2021
ESM means a person who has served in any rank(whether as a combatant or non -combatant) in the Armed forces of the Union, for a continuous period of not less than six months after attestation and has been released there from otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct o
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 25 January 2021
You have been declared "deserter" and discharged from army service by Summary Court Marshal or any other authority, which may be from post, with or without arms and ammunition, unit lines or absent without leave, specify the circumstances for desertion ?
kenchugundu nataraju (Querist) 25 January 2021
Respected sir, I am over staying leave (deserter) in Indian army and i am not punished any court martial by indian army .My service period is 8 years 9 months and I had received discharge certificate from army by post, So can i apply govt jobs with Discharge Certificate on age relexation for govt jobs please give me suggestion
Guest (Expert) 25 January 2021
You file the application to Govt Departments with out hiding the Facts and it would be under their discretion
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 01 February 2021
Repeated query:
krishna mohan (Expert) 04 February 2021
Applying for a public job is your right. But seeking age relaxation depends based on your eligibility. You can seek right position under RTI as well with right authority.

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