Arya samaj marriage certifcate
sanjay bhaskaran
(Querist) 08 March 2013
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir
i got married in sept 2003 at Raipur , there i marriage at a arya samaj dharamshala , where they have issue a arya samaj maariage certifcate , now i had applied for paasport , whether it would be valid there or whether i can register with the govement registrar the arya samaj certificate at Ahmedabad where i cam staying right now
Kirti Kar Tripathi
(Expert) 08 March 2013
You have obtain marriage certificate from Registrar, Hindu Marriage Act of area, where the marriage was solemnized. You can obtain the same by producing Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate. Both spouse have appear before the Registrar and knowledge the factum of your marriage. There certain other formalities. Such as you have to produce your date of birth, identification and certificate from two gazetted officers.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 08 March 2013
Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate issued are valid one in law as they are legally competent to issue such a certificate of marriage as provided in THE ARYA MARRIAGE VALIDATION ACT, 1937 .
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 08 March 2013
ACT NO.19 OF 1937
[AS ON 1957]
An Act to recognise and remove doubts as to the validity of inter-marriages current among Arya Samajists.
[14th April, 1937]
WHEREAS it is expedient to recognise and place beyond doubt the validity of inter-marriages of a class of Hindus known as Arya Samajists; it is hereby enacted as follows;-
1.Short title and extent.- (1) This Act may be called the Arya Marriage Validation Act, 1937.{ Subs, by the A. O. 1950, for the former sub-section (2).} [(2) It extends to the whole of India exempt { Subs, by the Adaptation of Laws (No.2) Order, 1956.for "Part B States".} [the territories which, immediately before the 1St November, 1956, were comprised in Part B States] and applies also to citizens of India wherever they may be.]
2.Marriage between Arya Samajists not to be invalid.- Notwithstanding any provision of Hindu Law, usage or custom to the contrary no marriage contracted whether before or after the commencement of this Act between two persons being at the time of the marriage Arya Samajists shall be invalid or shall be deemed over to have been invalid by reason only of the fact that the parties at any time belonged to different castes or different sub-castes of Hindus or that either or both of the parties at any time before the marriage belonged to a religion other than Hinduism.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 09 March 2013
Arya Samaj Certificate is valid for all purposes including passport.