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Attending first Appeal for RTI

(Querist) 28 January 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Three members of a residential society have have applied for different information under RTI act from muncipal corporation.

The appeal date of the above three is on the same date

Can the above three persons can authorize the fourth person to attend and do all proceedings on their behalf.

Kindly guide with relevant rule and procedure.


Kishor Mehta (Expert) 29 January 2017
Individual valid authorization letters from all the three applicants are necessary
Good luck,
Kishor Mehta
P. Venu (Expert) 29 January 2017
In the normal course, no hearing takes place in deciding the First Appeal. The Appellate Authority gives its decision on the basis records available on the file.
Harsh (Querist) 30 January 2017
Thanks, but whats the valid authorization. An authority letter on plain paper will serve the purpose ? Kindly quote the section under which it is permitted under RTI act so that i can move accordingly, thanks sir
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 30 January 2017
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 30 January 2017
Appellate authority is semi judicial authority, need to be addressed accordingly.

Authority on plain paper can be submitted, better in advance.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 31 January 2017
According to the ‘Section: 1A’ of “POWER OF ATTORNEY ACT, 1882”, “A ‘Power Of Attorney’ includes any instruments empowering a specified person to act for and in the name of the person executing it”.

The term ‘Power Of Attorney’ is an authority given by an instrument by one person, called as the donor or principal, authorising another person, called donee or agent to act on his behalf. There may be possibility of giving ‘Power Of Attorney’ by two or more persons jointly to one or more persons. Here a legal authority is given by the principal to the agent which may be broad or limited and an agent can take all necessary decisions i.e. financial, property related matters and all other matters where principal cannot be present to sign or in the case of principal’s illness and disability. A paper signed by principal giving powers to an agent is sometimes itself called a power of attorney. A paper giving a power of attorney should be clear and understandable.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 01 February 2017
Yes, the fourth person may be granted registered/notarised special power of attorney to represent separate (individual) appellant.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 01 February 2017
Agree with the expert Dr J C Vashista.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 02 February 2017
Thanks for agreeing with me Mr. Rajedra K Goyal.
Harsh (Querist) 10 February 2017
Thanks a lot for Guidance to all Experts.

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