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Bank delete locker holder name without permission of locker holder

(Querist) 08 July 2008 This query is : Resolved 
I have a locker account in the joined name of my husband. After death of my husband I reach bank .Bank employee said my name is delete from locker, and my son name is added. I am not given to permission delete my name and add my sons name. My husband has not given permission delete my name and adds my son’s name. After death of my husband my son open locker and remove all valuables from locker. I file criminal case and civil case .in civil case how can I proof of my valuables gold silver cash Rs. Above five lakhs is in locker .what is the Evidence for proof my five lakh property is in Bank Locker ? I have find all details and document .it shows Bank on basis of forged document Bank employee add my sons name but bank has no right delete my name and add my sons name in my locker. Sir please say how can I proof my all valuables was in Locker. The civil case is on the stage of Evidence. Can I proof my valuables in locker .Is court give me justice? Is court ask bank how can
They (Bank) delete my name from locker and why they give permission to my sons to open my bank locker .In the Manual (circular) of banking law bank has no right to delete locker holder name from locker without written permission of locker holder. Sir please give your suggestion that I can proof valuables is in locker. . I wrote a complaint to prime minister of India, finance mister governor of Reserve bank of India, chief minister. National commission for women but on effect. My case is on the stage of evidence. Please give me proper suggestion..
Thanking You...

KamalNayanSaxena (Expert) 08 July 2008
Court have ample powers to ask each and every thing. Infact you have to decide what happened in your case, since it is immpossible that your name have been deleted without your consent. Certain guidelines regulate banking system. What do I feel is a smack of conspiracy.

Locker is always assumed to be in custody of customer. Have you any inventory of items kept in the locker? if no, nobody can help you.
Tarabai (Querist) 09 July 2008
it is possible that my name have been deleted without my consent.when Bank locker incharge appeared in court, court ask him about my and my husband concent .locker incharge said concent is not given by me and my husband.his statement is recorded by court.this is possible because of my son conspiracy with bank empolees. I have a list of item in which. I loged police complaint with inventory of item. I have given list of item in court.I had filed wealth Tax Return in
1988 in which i had show my gold purchase.
with the help of Wealth Tax return and list of item can i proof the said jewllery is in locker.please tell about this. if your answer is no ican not prove
my jewellry is in locker so please tell me abut bank right for my name deleted from locker where i kept my all valubles document jewellry have no right delete my name from locker.After death of my husband with the help of my sons WHY bank open locker ? this is a one of the most big fraud by bank on locker has no right delete my name and add my sons name.
KamalNayanSaxena (Expert) 10 July 2008
It may be better if you could download or mail your complete case history with all evidences led till now at following addresses ;

Kamal Nayan Saxena, Advocate
424, Ismail Chowk, Nayapura, Kota (Raj.)
e-mail :
Mob. No. 94143-77418

I want to know how your name was deleted, Since as per norms of banks locker has to be surrendered first than it is realloted
anantha krishna n.v. Advocate (Expert) 11 July 2008
if the suit is for damages, do not worry about proving the contents of locker. if the same is for recovery locker contents, then i am afraid it is difficult to prove.
Moreso, the bank agreement, which you might have signed on the dotted line, contains all there precautions. Please obtain copy of the locker agreement and then get back.

Have you shown your son as accused in the criminal case? if not your civil case is further weakened.

anantha krishna n.v. (Advocate AP High Court, Hyderabad, 9246531895)

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