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Banking forcing payment on second credit card

(Querist) 20 March 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Hello Sir
My self Aadya from Mumbai.
My issue is on credit card payment.
Sometime back I had opened a joint account with my friend(room mate) with ICICI Bank since we were doing a small business of birthday party set ups. The bank issued us two credit cards with a limit of 1 L together.
All was fine until sometime back when my friend got married and moved out.However she still continued to use the credit card and ran up a bill of approx 40 K.
She is now refusing to pay this amount and the bank is after me to pay the amount even after explaining them multiple times that the transactions were done on my friends card only without I being aware.
The bank is insisting that I pay as I am the primary holder and adding penal interest daily on the same every month.

Right now I dont know where my friend is as she has changed her numbers and not replying on mail.

What should I do.
Plz advice

Guest (Expert) 20 March 2018
The bank is right in its claim. Liability for payment of credit card dues rests only with the primary credit card holder. It is your own personal responsibility and headache either to recover from your friend or pay from your own pocket.

Aadya Joshi (Querist) 20 March 2018
Under what law is it so if u can plz elaborate
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 21 March 2018
Mr Dhingra has given a logically fine analysis. and you are now asking "under what law".

You do not pay and then bank will tell you under which law they can recover from you.

beware interest keeps adding with each sunrise. It is your choice as to which extent youwant this liability to swell before you clear.
Guest (Expert) 21 March 2018
Ms. Aadya Joshi,
Your supplementary query clearly speaks about your query to be an academic problem, not a real one.

I was under impression that yours is a real problem. Had I knew that yours is merely an academic problem, I would have avoided my advice. Don't expect tutorials for your academic exercises. For tutorials, better ask your own class teacher.

If not a law student, even if law is told, how would you like to deal with that, as a lay person, would be a matter of surprise for me. Can you explain, what would you do with the law, if not intended to repay the dues of credit card? However, if intended to challenge in the court of law, you will again have to hire services of a lawyer, who would take care of law, but still to your disadvantage as against the recovery to be made by the bank.

As Mr. Sudhir Kumar has already said, the bank knows the law under which it can recover the amount from you and through which of the modes.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 07 July 2018
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 12 July 2018
I agree with Sudhir Kumar and Dhingra Ji

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