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Benefits to Food Industry

(Querist) 03 March 2008 This query is : Resolved 
There is any special or general benefit in any state or central act to factory engaged in processing of frozen foods located in Uttar Pradesh and Utranchal.
Kalpana.S (Expert) 08 March 2008
Policy for Food Processing Industry 2004-09

Uttar Pradesh is one of the largest producers of farm commodities in the country and the largest producer of vegetables, wheat, maize, sugarcane, potato and milk. Some of the most delicious varieties of fruits are grown in the state. Thus there is an immense inherent potential in this sector. The state also has diverse agro climate conditions, which are conducive for a variety of crops round the year.

Despite the inherent potential, it has so far been untapped. Large quantities of vegetables and fruits are wasted as only around 2% of the production is commercially processed. Though considerable success has been achieved in evolving appropriate pre harvest practices, the issue relating to post harvest management, which includes grading, sorting, packaging, processing, transportation and marketing, are still not adequately addressed. It is believed that agriculture in the state can turn into a lucrative venture, if there is a proper linkage from end to end among various components of agri-business, i.e. from the stage of sowing to final sale and consumption, which can develop synergy and dynamic efficiency in the system.

Objectives of the Policy

The policy aims at achieving the following objectives:

* Better returns to the farmer for his produce
* Encourage investment and employment generation in the sector
* Promote value addition and quality consciousness
* Minimize wastage of agriculture and horticulture produce
* Provision of appropriate linkages between the agricultural and industrial sectors
* Provide a 'market' focus to the entire range of activities involved in food processing.

Strategy of the Policy

The strategy would center around identification of potential areas for value addition, keeping in view both the international and domestic market demand and addressing issues relating to the entire value chain, right farm to the palate, for achieving the objectives outlined in the policy. Apart from evolving new and more effective instruments for overcoming the constraints in this sector & for promoting food processing, emphasis will be on:

* "Convergence" of all fiscal and financial incentives provided by Central and State Government agencies;
* "Partnership" between the farmer, private sector processors, Central and State Government; and
* "Focus" on such issues, which are critical to the growth of this sector.
SANJAY DIXIT (Expert) 25 July 2008
Kalpna has explained very beautifully, nothing more to say.

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