Querist :
(Querist) 19 January 2010
This query is : Resolved
As we have initiated 498a and 406 read with 34 ipc on our brither in-law due to some tempramental issuue between our sis amd borther in-law now the problem is as the matter is setteled we withdraw all the case as he was ready to divorce,as he has signd the divorce papers also,we quashed all the procedings of above mentiones cases. Now he back tracked from his stand on second motion, saying that he loves his wife and want to settle with her. NOW PLEASE TELL US WHAT SHOULD WE DO?????????
(Expert) 19 January 2010
Now approach the High Court which quashed the proceedings stating that you had quashed all proceedings based on the settlement with the husband but the husband is backtracking and not keeping up his word in signing divorce papers. The high court would certainly revise its early order and the criminal proceedings would be restarted again.
Arvind Singh Chauhan
(Expert) 19 January 2010
sir you didn't clarify on what ground earlier proceeding was quashed? It was quashed by HC ? or withdrawn by state on your request? You sister have no valid divorce therefore the matter is very technical and can be answered only after going through the earlier proceedings.
aman kumar
(Expert) 25 January 2010
FIRST talk with your sis what she want now this stage ?if she dont want settelement than give plea to High Court which quashed the proceedings stating that you had quashed all proceedings based on the settlement with the husband but the husband is backtracking and not keeping up his word in signing divorce papers. The high court would certainly revise its early order and the criminal proceedings
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