Birth certificate correction of month -bangalore- need your help
Kumaran N
(Querist) 29 December 2015
This query is : Resolved
Hello Sir,
This is with regard to my sister`s birth certificate registered as per Registrar of birth and death Govt of Karnataka.
Her actual date of birth is 28- Sep-1994 its the same in SSLC marks card, PAN Card, Voter ID and Aadhar card in all the documents.
Recently we got to know while applying for her passport its a difference in the month as per the records its 28-Nov-1994. Registrar of birth and death, which needs to be corrected to 28-Sep-1994
We need to apply for her name Inclusion birth certificate as well as correction in the month.
We will be really thankful for your expert advice. Thank you
Kumaran N
(Expert) 29 December 2015
Better Meet the Concerned Pass Port Officer in Person along with your Sister and they would guide you Properly.If they are Satisfied they would Effect the Corrections by Submitting an affidavit along with attested Proofs.Meet them in Person and Discuss.
Kumaran N
(Querist) 29 December 2015
Thanks for your reply, a quick correction here, we are yet to apply for a passport, we need your guidance how to go about it in changing the date of birth at Registrar of birth Govt of Karnataka.
All her documents are in correct d.o.b. i.e. 28- Sep-1994. its only the birth certificate needs to be corrected.
Appreciate your advice on the same. Thanks
Awaiting for your reply.
Kumaran N
(Expert) 30 December 2015
Meet the Concerned Authority with all Evidences and Requisition Letter For Correction.They would Guide you Correctly.
Kumaran N
(Querist) 30 December 2015
Thank you
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 06 January 2016
What is the actual date?
How the error occurred, whether clerical or otherwise?
Whether birth was in Hospital or in House?
Gather all documents if DOB is as per other documents, certificate from hospital and submit to registrar for correction.
Kumaran N
(Querist) 06 January 2016
Thank you for the insight Mr. Rajendra, its a clerical error, I am working with the concern department with all the necessary documents. Hope for the best