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Birthday certificate translation

(Querist) 10 September 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I want to apply for Passport.My Birthday certificate is in my native language that is Gujarati.

So how can i get it convert in to English language.

I have read somewhere that a person can translate the certificate on its own if he/she know how to translate in English.
I am a Graduate Cost Accountant and MBA.

So,you may assume that i can translate easily my own certificate in to English.So Can i translate it myself?

or who can translate the my Birthday certificate to english?

and during my Passport application do i have to submit english certificate only or both my original native language as well as translate english birthday certificate.
ajay sethi (Expert) 10 September 2013
get it done through official translator in courts . in your passport application submit original as well as translated certificate
kaustubh (Querist) 10 September 2013
In my Orignal Birthday Certificate my father name is Dhirajlal and in my all document including identity proof,school leaving certiifcate,election card and all other document there is Dhirajbhai written.

What should i do to get my father name appear as dhirajbhai in my passport.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 10 September 2013
This is minor discrepancy, apply as per your fathers name on other documents. Passport office may not object to it.

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