Respected Sir,
I have purchased flat at Kolhapur with HDFC Bank housing loan. Stamp duty ragistration and Agreement to sell done.Possetion letter given by the builder.Now i want to sell this flat but buyer wants Sell Deed which is not possible as completion certificate not done by builder although all flats / shops occupied. How can i do this transection easily to sell this flat,Builder is delaying for Sell Deed. Please suggest me the easiest procedure to sell this flat as Buyer is ready to buy now. Kindly reply urgently or contact me on cell no 9850985011.
Dear Sir/ madam,
The owner of the private road is asking to close the window facing to his private road. The windos are non openable sealed with semi transperant glass. the builiding is commercial building and having only 6 inch of free land facing private road.This private road is registered in village panchayat.
Please suggest me if i lodge the legal complaint againist him in court is there any possiblity to win.
With Best Regards
If a person made a Deed of Agreement for sale of his property having valuation of Rs.600000/- on a Rs 100/ stamp paper and if the Deed of Agreement is unregistered and is concluded before the Notary and partial amount of total payment of money has already been done and is recorded in that Deed of Agreement,then can the person withdraw from that Deed of Agreement by paying the amount he has taken?
If the answer to the above is affirmative then what should be the way to restrict himself ?
Dear sir,
in continuation of question about a Muslim father settling or gifting the property to his son., please suggest me a remedy to my problem about transferring the property to one of the son, if all others agree, ready & willing to give away.
further, as you said in your reply, he can sell the property to anyone, whether he can sell the same to the son only & if the sale is in favour of his son whether the duty payable on the sale is same as if the property is sold to any third party.
finally please suggest me way out for transferring the property if all questions put to you fail. as this is a urgent one. thanks lot for the reply so far given & was very knowledgable too. thank you.
Dear Sir,
I want to know whether
1) a Muslim Father can settle his property in favour of his one son, if he has got 11 other children.
2)is it best alternative to make a gift deed in favour of his one son?
whether this is valid in legally with respect to Islamic or any other law in India.
3)please specify if any condition or specific words to satisfy the law to be expressed in the deed ?
4) if this can be executed can you please forward a draft Gift deed or Settlement deed?
SUB : General Power of Attorney (GPA)
My wife and I are senior citizens and quite old . Each one of us own some property ( movable & immovable ) and individual bank accounts . We want that after one of us dies the survivor must be able to handle ( transfer of title in one’s own name or sell ) and get the ownership of all property ( movable & immovable ) and individual bank accounts .
Can we make General Power of Attorney (GPA) in favour of each other separately ? Is this the best option ? What are other options for easy transfer of titles after one’s death , considering minimum payment of taxes , if any ?
What will be the best procedure ? Thanks in anticipation .
SUB : How to make a will in India , especially when one's children are living abroad as NRI / citizens ?
Dear Sir ,
How to make a will document in India , especially when one's children are living abroad as overseas citizens ? In the present case , regarding making a will , division/distribution of property is not important but the transfer of property ( movable & immovable ) is important as the beneficiaries have become citizens of other countries . Can they get the assets transferred in their respective names in India , sell and then transfer the proceeds to their country of residence legally ? What will be the procedure , considering minimum payment of taxes , if any in India ? Thanks in anticipation .
what are the procedure to get property succession certificate in civil court
and procedure to get the mutation done in register office
my friend had purchased a plot in venture in the year1990, after 3 years he had notice that there is error in the shedule property of the plot, now he wants he exeute rectification deed for that reason but the problem is the one who had executed the sale deed had expired in 1993, now how can i solve this problem to get correct shedule property (AP)
Registered Will
I am having a registered will in my name given to me by my grandmother who is a co-owner of the property, I am currently in possession of. Both my grandmother and grandfather, the property owners have died . My father and and his brother are fighting a case in court over the succession. What is the best thing to do for me in this situation. The registered will in my name is the last testament of one of the co-owners of the property.