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Karkuvel   11 March 2008 at 20:53

Does Womens have a right in a mothers own land

My mother had 6 brothers and 2 sisters.
My Grand ma (Mother`s mother) is having a land which was acquired by my Grandfather on 18.8.1964 in the name of my grandmother. My grandfather was died on 1992 and he had not written any will.Now My grandma is decided to sale a land and distribute the receipts of lands only to my mothers`s brothers without giving any small amount to my mother and her sisters.

My question is Whether my mother and her sisters have a right to claim the share of property or not.

Please tell me immediately.

I am Karkuvel from Tamilnadu

Imran   10 March 2008 at 16:14

Becoming Co-owner

My brother has pruchased a flat financed through HFC, our mother is a co-owner. I would like to know: a) How do i also become a co-owner? b)What documentation is required and the Stamp Duty payable?

Imran Vora

Varun Jani   09 March 2008 at 23:46

Sale of Agriculture land

I have Agriculture land within municipal area and agreement has been done in the month of March-2008 with old jantry of Gujarat govt.And now jantry will be changed from 1stApril, our final documents i.e.DASTAVEJ will be done after 2 years from the date of what will be the rate OF DASTAVEJ?Whether it is on mention(agreement date) in agreement or date of Dastavej(i.e.after 2 years with new jantry.
So any problem from seller side?and what will be the drawbacks and benefit from it.

LATHA PRASAD   07 March 2008 at 12:06

regarding Legal Scrutiny Report

As such i am advocate newly empaneled in to bank at Bangalore and i want to know what are all the required documents to be scrutiny with respect to CMC,BBMP,and Apartment and which is the authority to give plan and permission for the construction of house or apartment
plz help me

prkumar   06 March 2008 at 21:41

Buying Agriculture land reg

Dear Sir

I would like to buy a Agriculture land ( 1 Acres at Visakhapatnam suburbs. I request what are the check points I need to make before purchase.


LATHA PRASAD   05 March 2008 at 16:30

hi,this is reagarding legal qary

i want to know have formats of legal scrutiny report of apartment and what are all the required documents apart from title deeds ,ec, kata, taxpaid plz help me

Zakirhusen M Kapasi   04 March 2008 at 13:38

Parking Space in a Newly Constructed Building

I would like to know the Law related to open parking allotment to the flat owners in a newly constructed Building and now formed Co-operative society. Is it Compulsory for the builder to allot one parking per flat.

Raghunath kini   02 March 2008 at 16:48

buying agri. land in maharastra

I intend to buy an agricultural land in maharastra. I have an inherited of 0.75 acres with sub classification "khuski" in karnataka for which i have the latest records of rights.
So pl guide me with this "khuski" land can i buy an agri land in maharastra? If so
can the local tehshildar in maharastra can certify that i"m an agriculturist on the strength of the original RR ?
Pl. guide me in this regard.
with regards,
U.R.Kini (pune)

P Gupta   24 February 2008 at 21:22

Rental lease for apartment

1) Is it possible to rent out an apartment by giving Power of attorney by Owner to his representative (parent)? Can the performa available at following link be used for this purpose?

2) Is it also possible to give the apartment on lease to someone (parents) (may be at zero rent) and then he/she (parents) can sub-let as per their discretion? Who gets the rent in this case, original owner or the person sub-letting?

3) Which of the above is better for a person who is abroad currently, Power of Attorney or Lease/sub-Lease?

V.Raghavan   18 February 2008 at 18:02

Can the tenants form an association and maintain the deceased landlord's property?

How to maintain the property of the landlord who died intestate ?
author : V.Raghavan
Posted On : 2/18/2008 12:05:57 AM
Can the tenants -only three - have a MOU between them to maintain the properties of the land lord ( one house and three flats) who died intestate and had no first and second clause heirs? This is to protect the properties of the deceased landlord from the illegal heirs who fight between themselves to aquite the properies and threatens the tenants before getting an order from the competent court of law or authority? Will the MOU is valid protecting their tenancial rights? What are the points necessarily be included?
What to do with the monthly rents payable and how to pay the maintenance and other sevice charges? Kindly advice.