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sandeep Kumar   05 June 2022 at 11:49

Appeal before session courts

civil judge has rejected a plaint of suit for permanent injunction on the ground of that the suit is" BAR BY LAW" and plaintiff preffered appeal before sessions court on30-11-2018, i am one of the RESPONDENT in this case.
FIRSTLY: appellant filed wrong address of me and when court directed him to file correct address then after 2 years of filing the appeal, the appellant file correct address of mine. moreover appellant is my relative and many civil cases are pending between us and my correct address is on the file of record.
SECONDLY: After covid 19,appellant appeared but not argued the appeal took 4 adjournments till now. and court order; arguments not advance by appellant.And now appeal is pending for 3 years and 6 months.
sir this is bogus appeal and appellant harassing me by taking adjournments
please suggest me, my legal step on this stage
Sandeep Dahiya

Sunil Kumar   03 June 2022 at 16:47

Regarding threatened by j.e of mc for lodging fir.

It is intimated that I have lodge complaints regarding repair of street lights oftenly and the JE has noticed that the streets lights of Area is not direct with govt. power supply and the street lights are in switch off condition with illegal joint connection and the main switch of pole lights are far from my home and situated in colony from where all lights are in switch on condition.

Due to again and again sending complaint, the JE has threatened me that I have a lodge FIR in Police Station against you because you are sending complaint and the street lights in illegal joint condition.
Please suggest me what can I do because sending complaint for switch on condition of lights is my right and threatening of lodging FIR by the concerned JE is harassed me.
Please give valuable suggestion if the street lights are in switch on condition with illegal join is the my duty for checking illegal or legal connection or joint from which lights are switch on condition.

Annu   02 June 2022 at 09:49

Can we resort to our old aadhaar instead of updated one.

Dear Sir, My wife has updated her name on aadhaar back to her name before marriage.This was on account of our differences wherein she left matrimonial home went to her parents,lodger FIR u/s 498A/406. Few months later she withdrew her FIR before filing of chargesheet and since then has been living with me harmoniously. now she wants to continue with her aadhaar after marriage as she has both aadhaar with same number and biometrics but with different surnames. she cannot further update it as name change lomit of 2 times is exhausted. Can she use her old aadhaar with after marriage surname ? Is it legally valid?

Anonymous   31 May 2022 at 03:55

Legally married before 18

Myself was married with my husband while I was 16 years old. Now I am 20 years.
Can I say I am legally married wife ?

Roy   29 May 2022 at 18:32

Land acqisition

Our lands belonging to different individuals were encroached by AAI in 1962. we approached ministry officials and even aviation minister for the payment. As no result, we filed suit in The High court and The Honourable Court advised the state Government to legalise . Then in 2001, through notification ,RDO agreed to pay Rs 6.50 /sqft with out consulting us. He considered the value of sale of land about 6.5 KM away.. After collecting the first installment ,under protest, we not received the balance amount for 2-3 years. We approached High Court again ,for the balance amount and got it delayed.
In The Lower court we fought and we won the case. court ordered to pay Rs 100/sqft and interest and solatium etc We agreed that even though lGuide line value was more than that. Then after crossing the allowed time to file counter , RDO of another area filed the petition in High Court telling that ,he was not aware of the case and so hence condone the delay of payment.( Earlier the case was in one court and then the case was shifted to another court.). when collector , RDO 0f first court area ,sub collector all aware of this shifting ,how RDO of new area can argue that he is not aware. It is sure that when files were shifted RDO o the previous /collector has informed him, Meanwhile, High court wanted to pay the part of amount deposited with court ,but objected. So the court ordered to pay 70% . and to deposit the balance 30% in FD for TWO Years
. Means we can not get justice now. We are all aged ,some have passed away , One Retired High court Judge is also part of Group.. What is your advise? Can we send complaint to CJI so that he may consider our letter for PLI, We are waiting for the justice from 1962 ie 60 YEARS

irfan   27 May 2022 at 09:42

Pre sale notice received from hdfc bank

Dear experts,

My brother took gold loan from HDFC Bank in the Last year and paying regular intrest on the same.
He also hold credit card from HDFC Bank wherein he was paying minimum amount till March but missed in the month Apr,
He also having consumer loan with HDFC Bank where he is regular in emi.
He also has micro loan wherein our standing left as two emi

We received pre sale notice from the bank 1st time wherein it's written that we should consider this as a final notice and stated that they will combine the gold with there outstanding amounts of all loan and will sale it if he fails to repay.
Please help me with ur advice.
Irfan Mulla

Anonymous   24 May 2022 at 07:03

Benami property transactions

I am in live in relationship with a women. A child is born between us. I have purchased a property in the name of said women from my money.

Will this purchase of property is illigal ?

If any dispute occurred, can I claim that property ?

Is the women can be treat as my spouse as on date ?

Anonymous   24 May 2022 at 01:08

Spouse meaning

Can live- in- relationship couple termed as spouse ?

Anonymous   24 May 2022 at 00:35

Ownership of property

My friend has purchased a property in the name of his son's mother ( my friend was live-in relationship) from his hard earned money.
She remarries & refused to hand over the property to my friend.
Can my friend go to court to recover to the property ?
Is there any judgement ?

Balakrishnan Ramaraj   19 May 2022 at 00:05

Land recategorize and sub divisioning

Dear Expert,

I own an agricultural land of 50 cent and attached to a open well of 17 cent both are on different survey number. 50 cent is owned by completely by me and open well is joint of 3 share .

now share holders asking me to open well land to divide the in to 3 share .

i have no idea about this please help me
