in a case of suit for recovery of money against the son of a deceased father who is alleged to be a loanee, how far is the son liable to pay and that too if the the creditor has not demanded the money from his father directly but to some relative of the original loanee i.e. the deceased father, whether it amounts to no cause of action, please advise with citations if any.
Is there any difference between MOU and an Agreement from the point of its enforceability in the court of law.
Is there any difference between MOU and an Agreement.
Respected Members,
Hope all is well from your end
I have a problem and need some good advice from all of you
I have sold my flat on 3/12/2007 as per the sale agreement the flat was valued at 33.50 lacs and the buyer paid RS 10.Lacs as earnest and balance money was to be paid on or before 3/2/2008 but the problem is the buyer has not paid the money at the stipulated date and he has lost is job and unable to get housing loan now he is avoiding me when i tell him to cancell the deal he refuses on the second part i have purchased the flat i have to pay the money to seller on situplated date or else he will forefiet the whole amount
now i am in fix
please advice what to do
awaiting for your reply
How to maintain the property of the landlord who died intestate ?
Can the tenants -only three - have a MOU between them to maintain the properties of the land lord ( one house and three flats) who died intestate and had no first and second clause heirs? This is to protect the properties of the deceased landlord from the illegal heirs who fight between themselves to aquite the properies and threatens the tenants before getting an order from the competent court of law or authority? Will the MOU is valid protecting their tenancial rights? What are the points necessarily be included?
What to do with the monthly rents payable and how to pay the maintenance and other sevice charges? Kindly advice.