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kumar   13 April 2009 at 22:45

to become a candidate in the panchayathu election

iam joined in the indian army as soldier gd trainee in 2003. after 29 days of joining i quit from the training centre without the permission because of i cannot adjust the military life. when i was escaped from the military without the permission my training not started. sir i didn't recieve any communication from the army or police.can i know the reason for army not takin any action?.

sir i know that a job in the indian army is great honour. in that days when i was joined in the army my mental condition was going down.mentaly i was not able to adjust with that situations. one day i was very much depressed and left from the training centre. after that i suffered a lot. i recovered from that condition. and i decided to serve my country as a social worker. now iam serving people. people in my village and my party members saying to me to become a candidate in the next panchayathu election. is any problem to become a candidate.
now i am suffering a lot for the dicision i was taken in the the age of 19 without proper knowldge. to get discharge certificate from the army i have to face a court of inquiry and i have to stay in the training centre for a few days. to stay in the training centre is not easy. i will have to face ragging etc.

so can i know that have any problem to me to become a candidate in the panchayathu election without recieving a dismissal or discharge certificate from the army ?.

kumar   13 April 2009 at 22:43

to become a candidate in the panchayathu election

iam joined in the indian army as soldier gd trainee in 2003. after 29 days of joining i quit from the training centre without the permission because of i cannot adjust the military life. when i was escaped from the military without the permission my training not started. sir i didn't recieve any communication from the army or police.can i know the reason for army not takin any action?.

sir i know that a job in the indian army is great honour. in that days when i was joined in the army my mental condition was going down.mentaly i was not able to adjust with that situations. one day i was very much depressed and left from the training centre. after that i suffered a lot. i recovered from that condition. and i decided to serve my country as a social worker. now iam serving people. people in my village and my party members saying to me to become a candidate in the next panchayathu election. is any problem to become a candidate.
now i am suffering a lot for the dicision i was taken in the the age of 19 without proper knowldge. to get discharge certificate from the army i have to face a court of inquiry and i have to stay in the training centre for a few days. to stay in the training centre is not easy. i will have to face ragging etc.

so can i know that have any problem to me to become a candidate in the panchayathu election without recieving a dismissal or discharge certificate from the army ?.

PRAKASHCHANDRA MARU   13 April 2009 at 17:40

regarding the fundamaental rights

hello all respected experts,
if any lady is deserted by the her husband and after the order of the court donot pay any kind of the maintanance and after taken all efforts as per the maintanace sections and crpc sections which are applicable then also he doesnot pay and he does not arrest becuse of the support of the polcice which kind of the remedy available to my client under the provisions of the constitiunal law
thank u in advance

A.Mohamed Thaheer   12 April 2009 at 15:22

Review of the Allowed writ petition in the High Court-Scope

A writ petition was filed by the Administration of Puducherry Administration for quashing the directions of the Central Adminstrative Tribunal, Chennai. Pending disposal of the writ, prayed for stay also against the directions of the CAT. When the case came for hearing, a notice was served to the opponent for reply. The Respondent/Opponent had filed a reply also praying not to grant stay, pending to submit a detailed written statement elaborating the the nature of the case, the relevant rules, and case laws, under the strong belief that the case will be taken up later. But, surprisingly, the writ was allowed without giving a reasonable opportunity for elaborate argument. But, the speaking order which was hastily pronounced has lot of apparent errors on the face of record reflecting incorrect information of facts of the case itself. The facts of the case was totally misconstrued due to non application of mind of the judge with relevant rules framed under article 309 of the constitution.This has led to huge financial loss to the Respondent, being retired senior citizen.

What is the remedy to rectify the wrong judgment pronounced by the judge hastily without giving a reasonable opportunity to the opponent. In this case, the respondent is not willing to go for appeal in the supreme court due to financial stress and also time consuming.

Please advise expert opinion in this case

Dr.Mumbiram   11 April 2009 at 22:40

Punitive damages from visa-authorities through Writ Petition

Artist Dr. Mumbiram is an Indian citizen. His wife and son have German passports. Through various malafide avoidance tactics the local Foreigner Registration Office failed to forward without any reason our application for a 5 year visa extension for our son, who has a German passport, to the Office of the Principal Secretary(special) Home Dept. Maharashtra, who is the competent authority to grant such extensions as well as the authority to seek redressal of grievances against local FROs. Our personal appearances at the Princ.Sec.’s Office, letters and a formal complaint against the local FROs also produce no relief. For a period of over 2 years we were even without an interim visa extension for our son, whose earlier visa had expired in the meantime. We have filed a Writ Petition in the Bombay High Court requesting the court to direct the local FRO and the Princ. Sec.’s Office to grant us the 5year visa extension for which we had applied for over 2 years ago. We have also asked the court to direct the Respondents to pay us compensation for the grievous damages we suffered on account of the malafide inactions of the respondents. In the first hearing the court appeared almost certain to grant our request for the visa extension but we are not so sure about the compensation part. We feel justice will not be fully served if we only get the visa extensions that we should have gotten 2 years ago. We feel we deserve exemplary damages (punitive damages) from the respondents for the damages we suffered on account of the malafide inactions of the Respondents. How should we argue before the court for our request for such compensation ?

kumar   10 April 2009 at 14:11

indian army

iam joined in the indian army as soldier in 2003. after 29 days of joining i escaped from the training centre without the permission because of icannot adjust the military life. when i was escaped from the military without the permission my training not started. now iam trying to get a new job in the indian civil service or to become a candidate in the panchayathu election. have any problem for me to not getting the legal discharge from the indian army. now i am suffering a lot for the dicision i was taken in the the age of 19 without proper knowldge. please give a reply very soon if i have any problem to join any govt job or to become a candidate in the panchayathu election please give me advice to get legal discharge from the indian army without any problem.

B.B.R.Goud.   07 April 2009 at 19:56

right to live with dignity

as our India is rated as top one ( Rs 15372 Billion Crores as per the media reports ) in black list: highest black money accounts in swiss bank; can we file a case in supreme court or International Court of justice, praying the right to live with dignity under Art 21, by transfering the total black money in to our govt of India account.
Is it possible/practicable? If so how?

Dr.Mumbiram   05 April 2009 at 15:10

Choice of Division Bench for Writ Petition in Bombay High Court

After getting our register number for writ petition (criminal) under Art.226 against Maharashtra Gov. and others at Bombay High Court,do we automatically get assigned to a specific court ?
Our online case status says division bench.
At this pre-admission level do we have a choice about which division bench (which Judges) ?
We wish to make circulation for early first hearing and immediately request interim relief.

B.B.R.Goud.   03 April 2009 at 00:49

right to liberty

dear sir/madam,
In an Examination hall, flying squad came and took up malpractice check-up, during which the students, of age 16-22 years age, are asked to remove their dresses, in search of chits.In this case, any chits found, they are debarred successive exams and their entire previous exams are cancelled. in this aspect i would like to know and it is necessitated to take an advise:

1. Can a student be punished retrospcetively under malpractice?
2. Can a student be checked, by removing their clothes or touching their personal belongings, under malpractice check ?
3. Is it not the violation of Art 20(1) and 21?
4. Is it not the abuse of the children?

thanks, in advance, for one and all.

sudha   07 March 2009 at 11:43

What to know the difference..?

Anybody explain me in clear about the difference between Attorney General and Solicitor General under our Indian Constitution? i think advocate general in state is similar to attorney general in central? is it correct
