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Kiran K Aryan   16 December 2008 at 07:27

Extra Marrital Affair

Dear Experts,

My father retired from Army as Hon. Captain in 2002. He has always been dominating in the family and my mother do not even speak in front of him. Three years back he got into an extra marital relationship with a lady. The situation has become so worst that my mother wishes to commit suicide. All my sisters and brother are horrified with the environment at my house. I am the eldest son in the family and got married two years ago. Also, I'm staying away from my family. I am in such a helplessness situation that I don't know what to do. I had a dialogue with my father about this but there is no change. We also have some serious doubts that he might have been lending money to that lady in large amount. He is not willing to spend money on his family. Now I have decided to go for a legal action against him to save my other family members. I want to have all financial and proprietor control in my mother's hand, including the pension that my father receives from Army, so that he has to go through us before taking any decision.

Kindly suggest the possibilities and procedure to do it.

Thanks & Regards,
Kiran K Aryan

Dulhani L C   14 December 2008 at 21:51

legal status of a marriage

Dear Sir,
One of my client was married almost 25 years back.
At the time of his marriage he was around 20 years old and his wife was around 17 yeas old.
This marriage was an arranged marriage.
My client was under the pressure of their parents so he surrenderd himself to satisfy his parents and got married.
Later on as time passed my cliet came to know that his wife was not mentally normal.
It was also certified by a private mental doctor that his wife was abnormal.
My client still continued to live with his wife under the pressure of parents.
At present he has one child around 9 yeas old.
My clinet is totally unhappy with his marriage life.
He wishes to know how whether his marriage conducted at that time was viod ab initio.He wishes to marry a mormal woman.Is it possible for him?
What is the perfect way?
Kindly advise with some citations of courts.
Thanking You,

G. ARAVINTHAN   13 December 2008 at 12:26

What is a remedy for Wife?

X, a male weds Y. After getting registered under Special Marriage Act, they lived with parents. X went to other town for Post Graduation and went to abroad for his job.

X sent a mail to Y that he want divorce.

What is the remedy for Wife?

Shilpa Rani   09 December 2008 at 12:32

Live in Relation ship...

1.are there any laws for live in raltion ships in INDIA.
2.if couple is living together for 4 years without getting married ...will that woman get rights on her man's property and other rights like a married woman gets from her husband
3.if any couple gets married in temple/church without any friends and relatives that marraige to register those marraiges..

Rathnakar P V   07 December 2008 at 16:22


Can a person adopt two different Gender children?...Can adoption once taken can be, deniable *(Female Child)?...Can the School record, be acceptable to court in the absence of "ADOPTION DEED Etc."?...Can a person Will his Inherited property( Got to him by virtue of his Marriage in to the FAMILY)to His Adopted Child, Male in the Case? What are the options left to Female, in this case?

Ranganath   06 December 2008 at 22:38

Quashing 420 FIR and then Divorce

Within five days of marriage, My wife has sent a mischevious SMS from my mobile to her mobile saying that ''I was interested in another girl before marriage and married her under pressure from my parents''. This is not true.
Along with this she had filed a dowry case against me. I was told by police that a FIR is filed U/s 420 and 417. Since we attended joint couseling session (the fact not revealed in the dowry complaint) 498a is not registered against me I guess.

We were in touch by emails after our engagement happened which was 3 months prior to marriage. She also didnt respond to my honeymoon plans before marriage and refused to come for the same after marriage.

She was not willing to live with my family and had done such an act. The marraige has also not consummated and now her parents are demanding money from us for compensating their marraige expenses. I have also filed a restitution of conjugal rights long before the FIR was registered. They have taken their belonging from my house, they have also given this in writing in the police complaint and our jewellry is still with her.
After all this harassment I want come out of this marriage too as she and her family are refusing to patch-up. Pls help me by answering the following questions. My sincere thanks for reading and replying to my questions. I am under pressure right now kindly give good advise.

1. Can the 420 and 417 FIR be quashed. For some reason my lawyer is not giving me a go-ahead to get the FIR from police.
Since we refused to withdraw RCR petition filed by me they have registered the FIR more than a week after the complaint is lodged. Is this delay justified. Mean time they were forcing for nullity based on the SMS message and were aking money.

2.I have secured Anticipatory bail in case I am arrested for fake dowry harrasment. Will the bail be applicable for this FIR too.

3. Will this SMS stand as an evidence in court for the alleged cheating though there is nothing like that in reality. The SMS message is not pointing to any other girl's name. Neither that I have any contact with anyother girl.

4. She has mentioned in her police statement that the reason for leaving my (matrimonial)home is that I didnt take her to her relative's marriage funtion and hence asked her father to take her. This doesnt seem to be a good reason to leave my house forever. Can they change the content of police complaint and statement given by her in future.

5. If the FIR is quashed can I file for divorce (within one year of marriage) bcos of the fake dowry harrassment complaint being registered and her dessertion. How long will this process take.

6.She is employed and earning more than 25 thousand per month. By any chance do I need to pay money for the marriage expenses they incurred or any kind of alimony/maintenence. I do have a financial burden in terms of EMI for housing loan.

Thanks a lot.

mehul   06 December 2008 at 22:19

Regarding CRPC 125

my wife put crpc125 agaist me on 27-12-06.
she does notwant to come home.she also doing job but i have no proof. they wants money ,which is so much that i could not afford to give! what to do? Is their any lays or judgement which help me? If any clue which help me. she stay 3 months only.After that she go to her maika & put 498c on me,my parents & my younger sister.
At that time she having two n half months of pregnancy which please help me..............

SHAILENDRA   05 December 2008 at 12:40



Rajan Salvi   04 December 2008 at 22:30


A, a protestant christian married B a hindu as per Hindu marriage rites. They have two children who are brought up as hindus but there school record shows them to be christians. Children live with mother and father lives alone. There seem to be no chances of reconcialation. If husband files for divorce - under which act he should do so and if wife files - under which act she should do so? What are the avenues open to the wife , if husband refuses to maintain her and the children , but has given them his flat?

B R 123456   04 December 2008 at 14:42


Dear Member

Please tell me that for Maintenance for Child to Wife what supports of detail of my income or expenditure i have to submit to Court Please tell me in detail

Thanks in advance
With Regard