One of my lady client's husband was doing a job in an mnc as dy general manager at the time of filing the case u/s 125 crpc.
After receiving the notice of the said case , he resigned from the job. He produced the resignation order in the court showing that he is now unemployed.
Now he is working at any other place in some other company but it is not possible to search his present job.
I've read any where a case law in this regard that in these circumstances when husband is tech. qualified and well experienced, his status would count as he was serving. I'm not remembering the same at this time.
May any of the hon. members help in this regard.
Your suggestions are also invited.
i am puttinga quary on this site, please provide proper solution.
One Mr. A, married to Mrs. B, and out of bedlock of A & B born mr. C, who is a minor. Now A & B separeted from each other (Devorced) and the Minor Son mr. C is staying (custody)with his father A. Now his Father Mr. A working with a international Firm in Saudi Arabia, and His Son Mr. C is stying with his grandmother at Mumbai.
Now Mr. A desires to appoint his sister D to be the gaurdian of minor Mr. C.
How Mr. A can appoint his sister to be the gaurdian of his son in his absence or during his visit at abroad.
without approching proper court.
A, a Hindu dies leaving 4 people. In his will he mentions that 100 Rs each would be paid to the 4 people he left behind i.e 400 Rs.
But after selling his property on A's death only Rs 300 is realised.
Now in what proportion would the property be divided and which Sections of which Act would apply.
My sister in law filed a dowary case on us in June 2003 and at the time of that case they were living in a rented house. can she file a case on us under DV Act ? Also my parental hose is on my mother's name. My mother died in June 2007. Can she claim the share in the property. My mother has not made any will but my brother has no objection to transfered it on my name. Also i had taken a home loan for the construction of that house.
Is the H S Act1956 applicable with retrospect effect ?I became karta of HUF property in 1980 with my brother.On request for mutation of the said property in 2008, the revenue dept. insisted and e mutated the said property in the names of both the sons and daughters of my father as per H.S.Act 1956. Consequently, the dauthers have refused to give NOC/POA in my favour.What course of action is required to get legal relief? Any case law/jedgements in this case?
My sister in law filed a case u/s 125 on my brother and get a allowance of Rs. 1500 pm. At the time of final verdict in that case hon able judge pointed out in various places that there is no cruelty on her by my brother & the grounds on which she filed dowary case on us is suspected. My question is that when he find that it is a false case and we are innocence why he fixed monthly allowance ? what are the options opens to us ?
Hello everybody
My current residence is in North West Delhi . Wanted to know if there is a family court in Rohini or should the custody case be filed at Tis hazari only.
Can somebody also let me know the court numbers
Thanks and best regards
intend writing my will.Is it possible to provide me a draft will document containing all essential& detailed write up so that when i insert my property details & directions for their disposal, The document becomes a proper will?
Col A P Khanna(Retd)
Hi all,
My friend hand his brother has got one property i.e g+1floor in the name of thier deceased father who died intestate in the year 2006,the father of my friend has got this property through succession and inheritance from his fatheri.e(grand father of my friend) and got mutated his name in property tax assessments, electricity department, and also in water department.The property is more than 100 years old. the age of my friends father at the time of his death was 65 only, from the above it can be understood that the property is not self acquired property of my friends father since the age of the building is more than 100 years old. My friends father out of his wed lock was blessed with two daughters and three sons, and during his life time he performed marriages of two daughers. out of two daughters one daughter and one sone expired during his life time leaving behind thier respective sons and daughers.Now my friend and his younger brother and one sister is surviving.
Now my friend wants the said property to be partitioned equally among all legal heirs of his father, and when damanded by him his brother denied the same and informed him that his father left the property exlusively to use and enjoy the same in his favor, but there is no evidence.
Now my question is
1. whether the said property is ancestral property or joint family property?
2. who are the necessry parties to the partition suit?
3 In How many parts the said proerty can be divisible?
4. To what share my friend is entitled for partition and separate possession?
5.How the couts Jurisdiction can be invoked in such kind of suits?
6 Is it necessary to issue notice demanding partition?
Note: My friends mother pre decesed her husband.
Marriage Registration
Can any one tell me the procedure in detail with stamp fees for doing inter caste-special marriage in court. In Present case, boy is gujarati and girl is muslim they want to do court marriage in mumbai