In line with RBI, IRDA and Few other Ombudsmen in India is their any Legal Ombudsman exists ?
Que.1 What is the process or procedure of obtaining a NOC from a Lawyer?
Que.2.What if he denies NOC for the reasons best known to every body can a Petitioner (victim) have access to any such Legal Ombudsmen(Not Bar Council)?
Customary Divorce is valid U/s 29 (2).Kombi Patil community in our community Numbers of Diverce have been made before Panch which is register in name of Justice Panch at Jalgaon (Lok Adalat )
My wife demands one time settlement & Podagi amount which is huge by paying cash only neither draft nor cheque
We will do this procedure on Stamp Paper with her signature before Panch On following Terms & Conditions
1)She will permit me to second marriage
2)She has no right on my property
3)She will take care my kid
4)My son has no right on my property in future
I will take signature of my wife on stamp paper before Punch Can I make settlement with her by paying cash before Panch?
Recently I heart Lok Adalat has given approved by HC My wife & son right on my property will waive by signed on stamp paper before panch
Regards Patil
dear sir ,
i got married last year and marriage was there just for 13 days , later i came to know that she was a mental patience so filed a divorce case of annulment at bandra family court .they asked for transfer of case from mumbai to bhopal at supreme court but court had rejected the transfer petition .we came to know that our peption of divorce was recived by her so she had asked for transfer at supreme 9 dates she or her lawyer didnt apper in the bandra court , court had ordered expartee decree divorce.
please advice me my next step , and when can i get married again after expartee order as well she can file any case against me at bhopal court after exparte decree.
its the case filed on my aunt &Uncle as their neighbour(A lady)committed suicide. actually there is small dispute between two familes and 2 days before also it was.
now the case filed by her husband on all my uncles family(even children $girls &1 boy) that because of the dispute she has died.
now they are in remand & we applied bail but judge didnt sanction. Now the family is in deep trouble, how to save them?
its the case filed on y aunt &Uncle as their neighbour(A lady)committed suicide. actually there is small dispute between two familes and 2 days before also it was.
now the case filed by her husband on all my uncles family(even children $girls &1 boy) that because of the dispute she has died.
now they are in remand & we applied bail but judge didnt sanction. Now the family is in deep trouble, how to save them?
Dear Sir,
Under the SRA schme our property has been transfered my mother which was in the name of my father who had been expired.And my mother want to that this property transfered in the my name instead of sharing with my step-brother.
So we can do this according to power of attorny?
Sir/ Madam,
I want know if I made Will before my death. In that Will I mention I will give my property to one son instead of two sons?
Is it legal?
Is it Will should registered or on stamp Paper?
I am awaiting your valuable reply
Regards, Pawan
one person have two sons and one daughter he has 4acres of agricultural land acquired from his father and he has another 6acres his own property. his childrens became major daughter get married my question is whether daughter has any right to share that property respectively 4&6 acres.she can claim on that property
My friends husband and inlaws demanded Dowry from her and her family. they were together for 13 months and when she was unable to bring in the dowry, her husband left her at her parental house. he was untraceable for 2 months and after much efforts from my friends parents they came for a meeting wherein her husband refused to live with her without money. after 1 month he filed a section 9 against her. it will be 2 years for this case in this july. after repeated failed attempts for reunion she filed a 498 against them. trial of it still not started. its now been two year tht they r living seperatly.
ection 9 case is still in court. no RCR has been ordered by court. one reply was filed by my frnd 1.5 years back sayin tht since inlaws demanded money and her husband himself left her at her parental home she is unable to join the company out of fear of her life. court has issued some concerns to her huband and asked him to file a reply which he didn't for the last 8 months.
Now she want to file any such reply which can save her from her huband forming ground for divorce.
My question is tht if husband can file for divorce on any grounds? wht r the loopholes in section 9 against girl in this case. she still want a reconciliation provided they will not demand any dowry. Plz help on this urgently.
Adoption of child of a relative
Hey all,
Could anyone let me know where i can find the guidelines/regulations for adoption of a child by a Indian Resident of his relative's child.
Thank u i advance