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hello good day   15 May 2013 at 15:52


learned seniors,

like to know what is the difference between ' SPINSTER ' & ' BACHELOR ' woman in legal term.

thanking you in anticipation.

hello good day   12 April 2013 at 19:25

Requesting your expert guidance

good day.

m sending you tel. conversation btw. me & my wife for your better guidance.

mine story is more than 16months old.
my wife went to her house but for unknown reason my in-laws won't let her go. her vadil are main hurdle.
otherwise she has no issue to come back from the very begining.

they [my in-laws] came on 10th feb.'13 with MCD proposal without their daughter.

this 10th [april] i got missed call from my wife and i do try but she don't respond it. so i made a sms.

on same day in evening, i received a call from my in-laws that they will come to collect ornaments. when asked about whether their daughter will be with them. they say NO.

apparently it seems in my case, nature of 498-a is my in-laws and not my wife.

in that case pl. guide how to handle the situation legally to save my marriage.
pl. guide.



hello good day   19 February 2013 at 18:10

Expert guidance

respected members of the group,
good day.

my story is slight different.
m harassed husband but not from my wife but from my in-law and her relatives.

my story is as under in brief:

married in feb.'11
my wife left on 5th Dec.'2011, for no fault of ours. now more than one (1) year has been passed.

chances has she been a emotionally blackmailed by her parent because of certain ego issues with my parent. we did apologize for raising our voice to issues - being created by my in-laws - though we are not at fault but they are not in mood to accept it.

in this period, they circulate various type of rumors based on GOEBBELS TRUTH among members of our society to tarnish our image as well to prove the authenticity of the step they have taken.

this sunday [10-2-2013], they have come with a proposal for a mutual consent divorce. though they don't open their card yet, they do give slight ink link/idea to be ready for dire consequence if their demand/terms will not be fulfilled.

we are middle class family. in my family
1] grandpa [retired] of 84yrs , 2] my father [retired] - 61yrs,
3] my mother [housewife] - 55yrs, 4] myself [service] - 32yrs,
5] my younger brother [service] - 30yrs & 6] my youngest brother [student] - 26yrs.

me and my younger brother are only bread winner in family. my in-laws are very influential in society.

Like to know are there any legal REMEDY/SOLUTION :

1] to give pressure tactics on in-laws of my son to send back their daughrt to her
matrimonial home.

though me & my wife have no personal dispute among ourselves. but at the same time
chances are she might not be in a position to withstand continuous emotional
blackmailing further.

2] do have recording between me and my wife. like to know does it create any weight age
in rcr case ?

3] suppose they may file a suit/case under 498-a, 406, 34, crpc125 as well DV act - to
teach a lesson for not accepting their unrealistic terms/demands.

Elderly relatives told me that it is very difficult to file a case after the lapse of such a
prolonged period. so, like to know is this belief true ?

confuse what to do in this scenario ?

Will appreciate your suggestion /guidance.



p.s.: like to inform you some more details.

last dec'11, we went to my in-law home.
at that time my in-law told me they didn't mind if she wished to come. i clearly saw willingness in her eyes but unknown fear [best known to her] prevent her to come out and open to express her wish.

yes, she is jakki about what she decide but at the same time don't dare to disobey the wishes of her elders.
she told me once that she won't sign any paper unless i signed or say to sign.

may be this is one of the reason why my in-law want us to take initiative to file. for that they take every step to get instigate us.

don't know how to handle.

hello good day   13 February 2013 at 19:52

Seeking advice

good day.

married in feb.'11
my wife left me on 5th Dec.'2011, for no reason.
chances has she been a emotionally blackmailed by her parent because of conflict of ego with my parent.

now more than one (1) year has been passed.

in this period, they used GOEBBELS TRUTH.

this sunday [10-2-2013], they come to propose a mutual consent divorce. though they don't open their card yet, they do give slight ink link/idea of dire consequence if their demand/terms will not be fullfilled,

so, like to know in that case the intensity of 498-a as well DV case suppose they will file a case against me to give pressure to accept their filthy demand,

thank you to abridge my position in this scenario.


[ ]

hello good day   24 September 2012 at 16:19

Expert opinion


My sister-in-law has not been stayed with my brother for more than a year.

Since he is deeply loved her, i understand he won't take first initiative to make a DIVORCE PROCEDDINGS.

though they don't file any case, but they do give threat indirectly in suggestive gesture & behave in such a way that one feel they expect us to take initiative .

r under impression that signature of my sister-in-law is necessary to file a case and assume that chances are she herself may not wish to take this matter that far so for that reason only they [her parent] cann't go ahead in spite of their wish and indirect threat.

like to know whether my assumption is true ? or their silence is for other reason to fulfil obligation of the rule of law or say to strong their case ?

is prolonged delay much more benificial on girl's side ?

thanking you in anticipation.


hello good day   23 September 2012 at 19:02



My sister-in-law has not been stayed with my brother for more than a year.

Since he is deeply loved her, i understand he won't take initiative to make a DIVORCE PROCEDDINGS.
but cann't understand a silence from her side.

is prolonged delay much more benificial on girl's side ?

thanking you in anticipation.


hello good day   03 September 2012 at 22:47



good day !!!

like to know are there any provision in law/regulation under which in-law can file a suit against parent of their dauighter-in-law for not allowing her to go to her marital home ?.

if there is such provision, then in that case, suppose in-law take recourse through it to bring her back and in process if she declines to come back then what is the counter action in-law has to face ?



hello good day   25 September 2011 at 12:03

Expert guidance


regret to disturb and thanking you in anticipation for your guidance.

in redevelopment, a flat has been allocated in exchaange of two tenancy right of two flats belonging to my father & grandpa respectively.

grandpa has filed a suit & rejoinder against builder in which he tries to project himself as KARTA of JOINT FAMILY with supporting documents belonging to him only.

like to know by filing the suit & Rejoinder as KARTA of JOINT FAMILY and not joint/co-owner of flat,

does this flat automatically become an JOINT FAMILY / HUF property ?

as a necessary party, if my father will have to join later

will it automatically mean it is my father's mutual consent/willingness to term this flat as JOINT FAMILY / HUF property ?

then what is position of present INDIVIDUAL SHARE of my father ?

