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Nitin   25 August 2018 at 14:31

Need judgment bombay high court in case of cit vs. godavari

Dear Sir,

Please share with me the order judgement "Judgment Bombay High Court in the case of CIT vs. Godavari Saraf"

"Judgment Bombay High Court in the case of CIT vs. Godavari Saraf held that until contrary decision is given by any other competent High Court, which is binding on a Tribunal in the relevant State, it has to proceed on the footing that the law declared by the High Court, though of another State, is the final law of the land. Which means that once a decision is given by any of the High Courts in the country and there is no contrary decision by any other High Court on the same issue then such decision of High Court will be binding on all the administrative authorities and Tribunals through out India."

Thanks in advance.


r.pratap   26 June 2017 at 22:52

remand in bailable offences

My query is whether. Police can ask remand in bailable offence on the basis that investigation is not complete d or not possible

VINOD   22 September 2016 at 19:51

Heirship certificate

can i get a heirship certificate under bombay regulation act section 2.

In other words can i be formally recognised as a legal heir of the deceased without any mention of property in my petition.

AparajitaDutta   17 September 2016 at 03:59

Calling a girl prostitute act

Hello there..I want to know one thing if a girl calling you prostitute with out any reason publicly what should I do?

PALNITKAR V.V.   26 December 2015 at 20:34

S. 164 cr. p. c

Whether the magistrate who records statement of a witness u/s 164 Cr. P. C in a case can try and decide the same case or the case to be transferred to some other magistrate? If the same magistrate tries the case, whether it would vitiate the proceeding?

Anonymous   15 July 2011 at 16:17

Guidelines given by the Supreme Court.

Guidelines given by the Supreme Court of India for closure of evidence in criminal cases.

At what stage the closure of evidence petition can be filed. I need full information of closure of evidence petition.

Kindly help me out as i am helping my brother in some criminal case but the above points are new to me.

do help me .

Advocate Vasundhara   15 July 2011 at 08:06

closure of evidence?


In a criminal case of my client, the trial is going on from 1999. Till date only the IO had given evidence. Nobody else including the complainant had come to court till now.

Can I file petition for closure of evidence?
Is there any specific sections for this?
Can you please give me some citations for this?

Anonymous   14 July 2011 at 01:07

property case involving multiple respondents


This is with regard to a land property which my father had purchased in 1979 totalling 50 cents from the legal heir of the property who owned 6 acres of land.Including my father, there were 14 other buyers who bought different/small parts of the whole 6 acres land from the same seller.
In 1981, the male siblings of "seller" had appealed in the district court against selling the property. The district court order was in favour of the 14 respondents.
The case was appealed in the High court subsequently where the appelant had withdrawn the case later in 2000. It later came to light that the appellant had entered into a mutual agreement with another party who registered a case regarding the same land in 2006.
Recently (a month ago) the high court has passed a decision favouring the appellant as our advocate (who was given the authority to represent all 14 respondents) did not attend any hearing)- (pls note this was not known to any respondents and they still hoped that they were being represented fairly)

Pls suggest what can be done now.

1. Can my father seperate his case (as the case is combined with 14 other people) and approach the supreme court?

2. Is there a period within which if any petition is not filed in supreme court then the case is lost for my father?

3. What is the procedure to approach the
supreme court for property related disputes?

Anonymous   09 July 2011 at 17:05

evidence act section 92(4)

can anyone give me a citation pertaining to oral evidence is sufficient subsequent to written agreement. In respect of section 92 (4)

giridhar   09 July 2011 at 06:59

friendly loan

dear all

One of my sister colleague's husband took a friendly loan of Rs.2,10,000. Out of which he paid Rs.50,000. He agreed to pay by the month of may. As the transaction was not done in writing we decided to record to phone communication. Can i file a FIR on the basis of the recordings of Phone calls??