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Anonymous   12 months ago

I can teach any subjects in law field

I am happy to introduce you that I am ex employee in corporate field. I have brilliant knowledge to share with the students in their studentship tenure with all practical experiences with them. That will improve their theoretical application of law perspective as per the interpretation and as per the wise prudent law jurisprudence conceptual wise in their great life journey event.

Best Regards
Girish Reddy

Ashok J   about a year ago

Power of attorney

A registered absolute Power attorney to B to transfer the immovable property in the name of C, the wife of B. Later on A played fraud on B and C. Out B and C, who can initiate legal action against A

Anonymous   about a year ago

Live in relationship

I am a 34 year old unmarried woman currently living with my parents. I have a government job and have been supporting my parents financially since 14 years. I have a boyfriend who is married but is living separately from his wife since 8 years. She had already filed various cases against him such as maintenance, adultery, bigamy, section 9 and domestic violence. Except section 9, all cases are closed and he has filed for appeal in domestic violence. I want to know whether my boyfriend and i can live together in a live-in relationship. Can his wife or my parents take action against us? My parents have all my documents such as pan card, aadhar card, voter id, passport, lc, marksheets etc. I want my documents but they will not give them without a fight. How can i get help for this?

Kovagana Dhananjayanaidu   about a year ago

Exparte order set aside

We are defendants in injunction suit. We couldn't file written statement. Hence set ex set a side ex parte order we need 2 petitions to set aside in IA and suit or 1 petition is enough

Anonymous   about a year ago

Lost of advocate id card

I have lost my advocate id card

pradeep   2 years ago

Operation of bank account

If a bank account holder went on coma due to an accident then who can operate the bank account. Is it necessary to obtain guardianship letter from court.

Anonymous   2 years ago


Can police investigate Money laundering cases?

Anonymous   2 years ago

Agreement validity

Respected experts,
I want to know for how long an agreement notarized is valid when we haven't mentioned the time period for its expiration.

mehul kasvala kasvala   2 years ago

Format of power of attorney

Can a foreign partner in a Indian partnership firm authorise any other Indian Partner/Other Person to execute any documents for loan, registration under VAT, Customs, Central Excise, or any such related matter?Kindly mail the format of Power of attorney and the stamp duty in such cases

darshan   2 years ago

Sec 138 ni act

dear sir
i am accused in my a38 case . i am from maharashtra and my case is in saket delhi . i want to know that can i present virtualy on every date and my lawyer will attand court on dates . is any provision in this regard