Dear Experts,
I am not able to find the following cases in the records, kindly help...:
Virender Singh Vs. Haryana Tourism Cop Ltd.
2005 (3) RSJ 381 (FB)
Chairman/MD Mahanadi Coalfiled Ltd. & others versus Sashaib bahera & others 2005 (1) RSJ 615 (SC)
Please check if their citations are correct and suggest me more cases on the following topic:
An Apprentice cannot claim for regularisation of employment
jaipur bench's judgment on scaling in RJS exam. Filing fresh petitions in similar matter after the judgment. how to tackle the point of delay in filing the writ.
Wife has been harassed for dowry by her husband and in-laws and was compelled to go back to her parents home. But coming back to parents home, husband has filed petition u/s 9 of HMA. But after filing this also, he is harassing wife.
Now wife wants to take divorce u/s 13 of HMA. What should she do?
Should she appear in section 9 in court?
Someone suggested that if wife files for divorce then husband will take benefit of that. What benefit can husband take?
Plz advice.
My friend retired recently(Govt.Company) and his PF was withheld for no reasons and subsequently they have arbitrarily adjusted some amount as dues(even though it is due by the person). My question is whether such deduction can be made when it can be adjusted in other payments like gratuity or leave encashment. What action can be taken against such person(Departmentally/Outside).
My friend retired recently(Govt.Company) and his PF was withheld for no reasons and subsequently they have arbitrarily adjusted some amount as dues(even though it is due by the person). My question is whether such deduction can be made when it can be adjusted in other payments like gratuity or leave encashment. What action can be taken against such person(Departmentally/Outside).
Dear experts,
i need your valuable suggestions on this matters. The facts are as follows:-
A land owner and a builder enter into an agreement to develop a flats in a site. The land owners entered into an agreement with the builder and the land owner is to get 60% of the constructed portion and the builder is to get 40 % of constructed portion. Then after construction some 400 sq ft of constructed portion has to allotted to land owners but it could not be separated with a flat and hence both parties entered into an agreement and the builder has given an affidavit stating that a sum of Rs. 5,15,000/- has to be paid by the builder to the land lords. The affidavit duly executed on a Rs.20/- N.J.Stamp papers and signed before an Notary Public. Later disputes arose and one of the land owner filed a consumer case against the builder. But the builder was set exparte and exparte order passed since no counter was filed. Now he filed an Appeal before state commission. In the mean time there is a delay of 400 days in filing the appeal and 258 days delay in representing the appeal. The important points is that the property as developed to sell the same to third party hence it is for commercial purpose. One of the party has not signed and he is not a party in the Complaint hence mis-joinder of party.
My quarry is that whether this case can be tried at Consumer Court since the complainant is not a consumer and there is no deficency in service. Is there is any rulings available in this regards?
thanks in advance
DK Shankar
What is Doctor of Relation BacK ?
What is Chartered High Court?
I am a US citizen, a Christian, and 2-year resident of India. My fiancee is a muslim from Indonesia, living with me in India on a 6-month tourist visa, granted so we could marry here under the 1954 Special Marriage Act. Mixed-religion marriage is illegal in Indonesia. Sub-registrar is claiming we cannot register to marry here because neither of us is Indian. Can we marry in India: (1) under the Special Marriage Act, or (2) under the Christian Marriage Act?
negotiable instruments act
what is the time period allowed to drawer u/s 138 for making payment.
what will be the date of starting prosecution if the notice of dishonour of cheque was received on 20/09/2009 and the company has issued notice on 10/10/2009