I have house which is on mother name and my name. I want to cancel my name from property so that my mother can take sole decision about property. which of below option is good and how much will be cost?
1) Gift deep
2) Release deed.
3) Settlement deed.
4) House transfer.
Your help will be highly appreciated. Can you give me name of any good lawyer in Mumbai who can do it.
Whether amount of VAT paid/payable is deductible alongwith CENVAT credit of Inputs and Input Services, while computing the value of taxable services of a Composite Works Contract definable under Erection, Commissioning & Installation Services?
Please note that amount of VAT is deductible in computation of Services under Works Contract Services and in the same manner VAT should also be allowed as deductible!
B R Passey
Govt. of India while implementing VIth pay comission recommendations has raised the Gratuity ceiling limit from Rs.3.5 to RS.10 Lakhs for central Govt. & 69 PSU employees from 01.1.2006.
But for other central PSUs the same is from 1.1.2007 linking it to pay revision due date,instead of 1.1.2006. Thus the retirees 1.1.2006 to 31.12.2006 from these PSUs are loosing a huge amount to an extent of Rs.6.5 Lakhs. Gratuity being a scoial security bnefeit paid on retirement (for the services rendered while wage revision is applicablel for those in service) is intended to take care of retirement life.
Is giving such retirement benefit from two different dates (central Govt.& 69 PSUs from 1.1.2006 & other psus from 1.1.2007) will not amount to injustice for the latter and is it legally valid. What is the procedure to seek legal justice in this regard.
Dear Experts
If I am closing a part/ division of my business then does I require General Meeting approval ( section 293).
Such division is merely one part of production process
if not then which type of Resolution is required
we are manufacturing company
Dear Experts
If I am closing a part/ division of my business then does I require General Meeting approval ( section 293).
Such division is merely one part of production process
if not then which type of Resolution is required
In 498A/406 case, AB is pending in HC and in the meantime chargesheet has been filed by the police. Though I have no received any summon from the trial court and I am on interim protection by the HC. Now the HC judge is pressing for settlement and the other party is asking huge amount for settlement.
I am afraid that the Judge may order me to pay huge amount which is totally against the basic priniciples of law and against Supreme Court directions. But you know, the Judges have the discretion and they can do anything and then in order they write such a language such as the pretitioner agreed to pay, he is willing to pay etc..
My lawyer is saying that if we show the judge Supreme Court judgments that AB proceedings are not recovery proceedings and the judge can't pass arbitrary directions while deciding AB, it will hurt his ego and he may dismiss my bail application.
So what should I do now? What is the way to get my AB application listed onto some different bench. Or any other way to get out of this situation.
I want to transfer house from my name to sister name. Can i trasnfer my house to sister name? can i gift house to sister?
how much will be charges?
do she have to pay tax on house value if i gift her house?
In Andhra Pradesh one District Collector declared one active MLA is not belonging ST community and issued orders after enquiry. That MLA elected on ST certificate.MLA appealed to the High Court of Andhra Pradesh. HC suspended District Collector's order. Due to suspension of the order MLA got relief.
My question is
1)A District Collector is a IAS officer and Magistrate of the District also.Once He/She issued orders about genuinity of a peoples representative's caste after full inquiry on what grounds HC suspends District Collector's order?
2)Why HC not taken action against MLA?
Hi, I have booked a flat in May 09 in New mumbai along with the terrrace (Underconstruction property). Terrace is not directly attached to the flat. Its on the same floor and opposite to my flat. While booking the flat builder had put a clause that who ever purchases the flat has to purchase the terrace also. Now while making an agreement and registration he informed me that the terrace will not be part of the agreement as per their legal but I have to pay. How come the terrace for which i am paying cannot be part of the agreement.Pls advise what may be the issue and why is he raising this after 6 months.
Service TAx Credit
Dear Expert we pay service tax on the rent of our office till June 2009 after which the service tax on rent is removed but can we take credit of service tax paid on rent till June as our business is of Business Axillary services.
Please guide.
Thanks & Regards