In a Civil Suit in a trial court, a Registration Department gave a false evidence/deposition on a exhibit which is contrary to the deposition. The suit was decreed in favour of Plaintiff.
Later they were trapped by Writ challenging the exhibit in High court, they failed to contest it. The Order of the High Court was given in my favour
Both the proceedings consumed 20 years period due to various reasons
Now I have moved 340 Cr Pc Petition in the trial court where the original civil suit was fied, on the grounds that the oral evidence / deposition.
Though there is prima facie evidence of purgery against the Registration Department, the civil court is not interested in initiating any criminal proceedings against the Registration Department due to the time lapse.
In such Circumstances can I file an appeal /get other legal remedy by approaching the High Court. This is purely to punish the District Registrar who gave false evidence.
Please help.riven
wether landlord can sale agriculture land having widow tenant with one monor son?riven
A compound wall of Defendant collapsed due to heavy rain and fell into the stilt area of the Plaintiffs row house. Plaintiff has filed suit claiming that his entire row house is now required to be demolished and reconstructed and claiming reconstruction cost as the amount of damages. According to Defendant no damage is caused to Plaintiff's row house. Plaintiff has examined an Architect who has given the Cost of Reconstruction. He has not tendered evidence as to the extent of damage caused. Is an Architect competent to assess extent of damage? If not who is competent to assess the damage caused, if any? What should be the defense on behalf of the Defendant at the time of cross examining the Architect? If any expert can assist me, I would be very much obliged.riven
My client accused issued a cheque of Cooperatie Society to the complainant. Recently we get the information that the Coopertive Society did not obtained licence of banking business fom RBI.
Under above circumstances whether the cheque issued by accused of the Co-Op Society is deemed to be an Cheque as per egotiabel Instrument Act or Not ?
Pls reply alongwith provisions and citations
HOW DO I conduct AGM of my company.
I am in a mess dont know how to start and what to do exactly.
how to present annual report in AGM
i have just qualified CS and this would be my first agm .
so I am little confussed and naervous.
plz help
One person makes different statements in different court proceedings (FIR, Magistrate, High Court, State Cosumer Forum) which are in total contradiction and false. Now my question is that can I file a common contempt of court application for all the cause of actions? Also before court will it lie? Can a common application lie directly before Supreme court? Do I need some prior approval from concerned court or Attorney general before filing contempt of court application? pls let me know.riven
Is it true if you buy mahada House, which are not officially transferrable, moment deal is through the mahada officer calls the original ownerriven
I entered into an agreement with the landlord to develop the land and construct a multistory building thereon, as such according to agreement I have given a cheque of Rs.2,50,000/- to the land lord in consideration thereof, but in the mean time the landlord did not supply me the Original documents relating to the said land because there was no provision agreed in agreement to supply original documents as such I could not able to get sanctioned the plan and could not construct the multistory building, mean while the landlord got the aforesaid cheque dishonoured and filed a criminal case U/s. 138 of N.I. Act, am I liable for punishment U/s. 138 of N. I. Act, if not please suggest me with case law.riven
Whether a person gaves complaint, be added as accused in the same case without obtaining any complaint from others?riven
marraige registration
is agreement for marraige possible? is it differ from marraige registration ? if i wish to marry girl of my choice but my parents are not agree for that due to caste difference . i need time to convince my parents but girl's parents want her to marry in this year. in this case, if i go for agreement for marraige , then is this agreement helpful to protect us from marrying any other person. we are not in a position to go for court marraige. plz help me ...riven