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WHATSAPP 91-8075113965   09 September 2009 at 15:21

whether a power of attorney executed abroad is valid here

My question is that a power of attorney executed abroad is admissible in India or not ?
If not, what is the remedy ?
That is, a motor accident claim was settled before an adalat for Rs. 15,000/-.
Subsequently, the claimant went to gulf. When the insurance company deposited the cheque, claimant appointed his wife as his special power of attorney holder.
The said PA DEED was prepared in India, in Indian stamp paper worth Rs.100/- and it was sent to gulf and got it signed through Indian embassy.
Now, as regards the procedural requirements of a PA DEED ,everything has been complied with.
Still, when it was produced before the tribunal, it showed some doubts regarding the admissibility of of a document prepared abroad . so the matter is adjourned.

Is there any judgement to the effect that it is also admissible ?
Please advise me.

hussain   09 September 2009 at 15:20

share application money

A private company as received share application money in cash during the year in bulk amount and returned same amount through bank (some bearer cheques and some A/c payee)there any rule which explian this problem.riven

joyce   09 September 2009 at 15:04

pension plan

persons who got retired during the year 1996, and in pension schem dearness allowanceds which is to be given 80% is give 40% what is to be done to get full amount?riven

joyce   09 September 2009 at 14:54

muncipal property

If the occupant colum of rights of records has muncipal council,s and holder of rights colum with one indudials name.but there is no deed of leese or agreement then how can he prove to be the owner in possession of that residental property? how can he prove? he resides there from 1969 to till today, oposite party filed case that property survey no is in his possession, so how can the person who is allready residing there can save his possession n enjoyment?riven

hussain   09 September 2009 at 14:49

Loan to Directors

as per incometax disallowed the loan as per provision of sec (2)22 (e)of the act says that is to be treated as deemed dividend.

joyce   09 September 2009 at 14:47

Mundkars act

does only goa has this as local act or such type of acts exists in other states?riven

RAVI SHANKAR   09 September 2009 at 14:42


Hello Sirs !.

This is Ravi from bangalore., have few querYS related to a flat which have purchased in Dec 2005 , But the builder has not given possession of flat till today i.e., 9 September 09.

Had purchased a builder's share flat in 2005 December and the same was registered in January 06., and the builder was to have deliver the flat by FEB 2006 as mentioned in sale deed.
Have paid the builder a total of Rs25.5 lacks (Rs4.35 lacs as my contribution and obtained a bank loan for Rs21,5 lacs) . The bank has released this amount directly to the builder by mortgaging my flat original documents and Have been paying EMI from Feb 06 till July 09. and have defaulted EMI payment past two months.

The present condition is that, another party is claiming the title of the land and the case is in hearing stage at revenue authorities.and a stay order is in place.

Since 2006 am behind the builder who has a JV with the land lord and he keeps telling me that the case is strong it will be resolved ,., resolved ., with oral assurances only,

Seek your valuable advise on the following :
1.What should i do to get my money refunded or other actions i can initiate to get my money back / flat ?
2.How can i request for a EMI holiday till the possession of the flat ?
3.The bank had scrutinized the titles etc ., ( had paid processing fee to the bank ) then only the bank had released the money directly to the builder with a tripartite agreement ., how can the bank help me ?.

Thanking you all in advance

Best Regards


Sameer   09 September 2009 at 13:51

section 138 applicable or not

i think you remember me, a new controvercy is created in my i had moved the civil suit against him he immidietly came to me for settelment for the 138 case and accordingly i gave him two cheques for three lakhs and he moved an application before the magistrate that he got all money from me and he mentioned the cheque numbers in his application to the magistrate and he is no more interested in continuining the 138 case further.hon magistrate told us that ho high court has given stay in this case so he cannot pass any order in this regard,so you withdraw from the high court i will pass the order,so i withdrew from the high court and the very next day he has moved an application with affidavit that i want to continue the case, on the other he presented the cheque for clearance.what should i do in this regard sir please advice. events: 31.07.2009: he moved application that he had received th two cheques for three lakhs,and he is no more interested in continuning the case of 138 against me. 04.08.2009: i withdrew from high court. 04.08.2009: he presented cheque for clearance and cheque is cleared from my bank account. 05.08.2009 he moved an application with affidavit that he had not received any cheque from me and i am interested in continuing in the case. Please guide what i can do in this regard. will the magistrate continue the case against me. or he will dismiss the case.riven

Adv G V Reddy   09 September 2009 at 13:44

registration of expenses - rent deed registration

Dear Friends

Would you please sugest what is the registration expenses for registration of rend deed on rent paid Rs 72,000 pm with advance paid Rs 5,00,000, lease period 5 years, jurisdiction at hyderabad AP Indiariven

harsh   09 September 2009 at 13:43

difference between bl and llb

can anybody help me by explaining diff. bet. bl and llb.
what are concequences of doing correspondence course in blriven