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V G Venugopal   25 August 2009 at 08:24

freight payment

Purchase order term - 'Freight extra' and the supplier show the freight amount separately in the invoice without enclosing freight bill. Whether the buyer is justified in denying amount of freight pending submission of freight bill when it is not expressly written in the PO.

vinod bansal   24 August 2009 at 23:16

legalisation of marriage

My friend is living with his wife as Husband-wife & they have blessed with a baby also now they wants to legalised their marriage through court instead of marriage registration,they have no any proof of their marriage,its a runaway marriage couple case,what type of case i can file in court for legalisation of their marriage they both are ready for any kind of court proceedings.plz suggest. Thanx

A Truthseeker   24 August 2009 at 22:56


it is enshrined in our preamble that we are to secure to all citizens JUSTICE,LIBERTY , EQUALITY.
If a citizen of foreign country resides in India can he expect these fundamental and universal human rights or it is secured only to Indian citizens?

arvind mahajan   24 August 2009 at 21:02

guidance for LL.M

I've recently completed LL.B with 61% from CCS University. Pls advice whether I should go for LL.M from Annamalai University, as DU admissions r over and evening classes in ILI, delhi are quite expensive at Rs32k p.a. Moreover, if I opt for LLm this year it will save my year and I'm also not sure abt whether DU offers LLM thru evening classes.
So the choice is only Annamalai which offers 2 choices:
i) Contracts & mercantile law
ii) Labour laws & administrative law.
whether it is beneficial to go for LLM?
& if yes then which stream I'ld opt for?

I'm of 37 with PG in Personeel Mgt and Industrial Relations & already into service and wish to switch to either LPOs or practicing.
Whether I can compete for any judiciary exams or any other posts announced by Ministry of Law?

Pls advice

Avinash kumar seth   24 August 2009 at 20:37

case registered u/s 385/384/354 IPC

a lady registered FIR....dated...... after this she wrote two letters to her office authorities as apology letter that FIR No.....of dated..... are false and fabricated due to acute pressure of my husband and threat these letter are verified by defence witnesses please suggest me these two letters are sufficient for my defence. Case in the trial court now final arguments of this case is pending. The case is State v/s Avinash.

Clarence Pais   24 August 2009 at 19:32

Indian Succession Act

Dear Mr. Tripathi,
Senior Advocate

My question is:
Under ISA must the heir himself file suit, or can suit be filed by Power of Attorney holder on behalf of heir.

Under ISA Act, here is father who is deceased, property which belonged to the father by Settlement Deed of 1921 was handed over to sons by oral partition of 1962, which is oral partition is recognised by a 1976 compromise decree of the Munsiffs Court, Mangalore. Now daughter files suit under ISA which is neither administrative suit, nor a suit to challenge Will by probate suit, but is filed for property that belongs to the sons, to set aside the compromise decree on grounds of fraud claiming that decree was obtained to defeat provisions of ULCR Act. THe SLP is filed by the POA holder and not the Petitioner claims ISA is applicable and proceeds to examine applicablility of ULCR Act once again whereas the courts below have upheld ULCR Act not applicable. My question can SLP be filed by POA under Indian Succession Act claiming for property that belongs to sons alleging fraud to defeat provisions of ULCR Act

I've misplaced your book on Commentary to Indian Succession Act 1926 with 2002 Amendment No 26, which has been found very useful to me. I'm unable to get another copy in Mumbai. So please, please I would be obliged if you could kindly send me a copy per VPP

I remain obliged

Clarence Pais

akash jain   24 August 2009 at 18:03

criminal case can be lodged?


Please suggest me-

If a party in the Case in Civil matter ,take out True certified copy of any document from Court and submit it in the another Civil Court,by modifying it and produce in the Civil Court as it is the photocopy of the true certified copy ,can any action may be taken against him for making changes in the True certified copy and taking a photocopy of it and submitting the Document in some case in Civil Court ?

Can Contempt of Court or Criminal Case can be filled against him or any other case can be filled against him and how that had to be proved in the Court,where he submitted that fabricated document?

Please Suggest me Your valuable opinion and oblidged.

Thanking You Sirs,



akash jain   24 August 2009 at 17:49

Who bears the Registration Expenses ?

Res. Sir,

Please let me know,who pays and bear the Registration Expenses for sale of a Immovable residential Property in India ?

Please also let me know,that if the Registry was found understamped,To whom notices will be delivered by Dist.Registry Dept -to buyer,or to seller or to both and under what section ?

kindly help me.

Thanking You sirs,


akash maheshwari

akash jain   24 August 2009 at 17:40

Income Tax Act ,1961,information reqired for A.Y year 1979-


Please tell me the provisions under I.T Act.1961 for A.Y 1979-80,under Section 230A(1),and
U/S 269L(2) ,and U/S 269(1)in A.Y 1979-80,and 1980-81 ?

Under Section 269L(2),and 269(1) of I.T Act,1961 ,to whom notice use to served by the I.T.Dept.?

Please help me and oblidge.

Thanking You Sirs,

Akash maheshwari

akash jain   24 August 2009 at 17:26

required valuable opinion

I have purchased a residential property near about 30 yrs back.We got the sale deed Registered through the power of attorney holder of the seller.
The property is muted by us in Muncipal records from then and we are staying there peacefully till now and paying all dues etc in our name as owner.
Recently the owner,3 years back ,after knowing that we lost the copy of power of attorney of seller,refused the registry and given ground that he left the place at the of Registry,and he never sold the property to us.
The registered deed of sale contains Income Tax permission under Section 230A[1],of I.T .Act 1961,which was signed by the original parties and is attached in the registry.The I.T. permission was from the other State,where the seller was filling Income Tax returns and having their Head Office.
Now,can I call the Income Tax Dept of that State from where the order was issued to seller,for witness in Civil Court,where I filled Title deed suit against the seller.The said Order or Permission Order U/S 230A[1] of I.T Act,1961 ,was taken before 30 yrs by the seller.
-what is the process to call them?
-IS Civil Court of one State is having Rights to Call for witness from some another state of India,Or we have to go there,to that State,with my Lawyer,Oath Commissioner,appointed by Court for taking the statement Income Tax Dept of that State?
-Can I will get reply from that Dept. ,after 30 yrs about its verification of that order?
-Can I take use of Right to Information Act,and get some useful reply from that Dept. and avoid going their,so long and incurring so much expenses?
-If I can take use of Right to Information Act,what I must ask to them and for expenses ,what and in which form I have to send money for getting information from I.T Dept.?
_ I.T Dept may refuse to give reply,as the document and information needed by me is of more than 30 yrs old,so what may be appropriate way to ask them ,so as to get reply required for purpose?
What else help and valuable opinion of yours can be received to me in such a matter?
What was the clauses of Section 230A[1],of I.T .Act 1961 and what was the process in Year 1978 to get the Permission under that section of I.T Act,1961?
Please help me and oblidged.
Thanking You sirs,
Akash Maheshwari