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T.V.Ramana Rao   12 August 2009 at 22:08

bar council of india

A person who is working either in private sector or in Govt. sector can enroll as an adocate to practice. To my best of knowledge, it is not posiible, but i would like to know whether my stand is correct or not

jayachandran   12 August 2009 at 20:45

warrant revalidation

Dear Experts

I have a question. please answer with any citations, if available

A Chief Judicial Magistrate issued warrant appointing an Advocate Commissioner to take possession of a property, under Sec.14 of the SARFASI Act. The period mentioned in the warrant expired and not executed by the Advocate Commissioner
Can the CJM revalidate the warrant by extending the time retrospectively -or-
the CJM has to issue fresh warrant.
Similarly, whether the CJM can suspend the execution of warrant for say, one month or two months, for any reason. Is the CJM has the power to do so.
Kindly reply
I will be thankful and the answer will help me

jayachandran   12 August 2009 at 20:39


Dear Experts
Chief Judicial Magistrate passed an order issuing warrant to take possession under Sec.14 of SARFASI Act.
Can the experts give valuable suggestions about the remedy available to the person against whose property warrant was issued.
1. Whether Crl.Revision before the High Court under Sec.482 Cr.P.C. is proper -or-
2. An application to vacate the order before the CJM is proper
Any decision-reported, if cited, I will feel happy.

N. K. Bansal   12 August 2009 at 20:09

Rights agst builderin case of society formation

Please advise me whether the taking over the maintenance of the flats by the housing society will have any adverse bearing on the rights of the flat purchasers to claim pending work done by the builder or the claim of damages under consumer forum. The flats in a 13 floor tower were purchased during construction in Mumbai and also occupied by us. CC was also obtained by builder. Certain work is pending like podium construction for car parking, ground flooring, gas installation etc. Registered AD letters were also sent to them for such pending work duly acknowledged by them. Builder is only assuring but nothing seems to be done. Society has been regd. shortly but no Ist general body meeting could be held as per rules even after expiry of 3 months of registration. Please guide if starting maintenance by society, if compelled by us will not have any adverse effect on our rights against builder. N.K. Bansal

pavan   12 August 2009 at 20:06


i am llb 6th sem student looking for more practis in lobour. tell me right way right coures to provaiding me job next tow three year.plz rply

KOUSTUV DEY   12 August 2009 at 19:20


I would like to know whether ECS bounces are under the purview of NI Act or not. If they are not then how banks are filing cases under NI act.

Manish Singh   12 August 2009 at 14:03

Dismissal of Inventory

Dear Members,
if a court dismisses an inventory filed as being incomplete and the order does not specify any other things and while the argument, he refuses to grant any further time for filing, what are the remedies available to us in that kind f situation. the amtter is under the probate of will.

Praveen   12 August 2009 at 13:41

Notice pay - relieving reg

Dear Experts,

I worked for a multinational company for 2 years & 2 months. As per my appointment letter, on resignation, i'm required to serve 3 months of notice or pay my basic salary in lieu thereof. After i submitted my resignation, the employer insisted that i work for 2 months. But, i could not. i served one month of notice period and paid basic salary for the days not served. I've joined another organisation after my last working day there. My previous employer is now sending communication that i'm not relieved from the organisation as yet, and asking me to report to work. After my last working day, i have submitted all dues, documents, and other formalities my self to immediate supervisor. I've also given them cheque for my notice pay. Pls advise the way forward. Are there any implications from my side ?

shweta   12 August 2009 at 13:26


I am a student studying in 12th std. I wish to apply for CLAT 2010. Can you tell me when can i enrol for it? Can i buy the study material for CLAT now? Where can i buy it from? Also, I am giving CPT next year. I am very good in academics. I have a query : I am sure I'll score well in both exams. So if i get selected for admission at the NLSIU, should i take admission in it or should i continue to do CA. Which career is more financially rewarding?? Please reply to me at the earliest. I will be obliged.

Meenal   12 August 2009 at 13:26

Credit card misuse

A credit card was issued to me in 2003,which got stolen from me along with the other contents of my purse on 27th March 2008 at 8:30 pm. Accordingly I lodged a police complaint same day & informed the Bank within 24 hrs.
However, the card got misused to the tune of Rs.75,734/- before it got blocked. I signed none of the charge slips for these transactions.

All the above details were shared with variety of Bank representatives, contact centre (atleast 5-6 times), collections officer, risk officer.
I have never used this Bank's credit card and have not had any transactions on the card since issuance.
The incident occurred more than a year ago, and since then I have been following up with the contact centre for investigation. For the first 6 months they reversed the credit & were supposedly investigating. No communication was sent to me. However since the month of October 2008, Bank has been following up with me for the payments. I do not want to make the payment as I have not used the card.
I have raised the following queries to the Bank for which they have not given me a satisfactory response:-
1. As per the terms and conditions, the complaint regarding the lost card should be lodged within 24 hours. Then why am I being penalised.
2.As per the Bank they have done the investigation & apparently it has resulted in the Bank favor. I do not understand this point. Whom have they raised a dispute to? & why are they not sharing the details with me. The merchant bank where the card was misused does not have any record of dispute raised by ICICI Bank.
3. The investigations should have been started by Bank immediately after my lodging the complaint and ideally the charge slips should have been retrieved immediately from the merchant where the card was misused. Why did Bank wait for the expiry period of 6 months for the retrival. If the chargslips are old due to this time lag, I am not responsible for the same.
4. If the charge slips were retrieved on time, bank would have found out that that the signature on the charge slips did not match with that on the card and the culprits could have been caught at that time itself.
I have been getting calls from various agencies of the bank using different tacticts of threatening me & my family to pay up the amount which has doubled in the course of time.
Points which I have to support that my card was lost is that:
1.NC of the lost purse & card
2.Blocking of other credit cards during the same time
3.New PAN card & Driving license requisite, which was also lost with the purse.
4.The card was never used by me since inception(2003)
5.I obviously have not signed on the chargeslips
Please let me know if my stand of not making the payment is correct & if the Bank can take any legal action on me. Thanks.