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Adv. Mohan Chandra   08 August 2009 at 12:39

u/s 138, Application by complaianant to set aside order

The complainant repeately failed to appear on court and the Hon. Magistrate passed the order of closure of cross, now the complainant has moved an application to set aside the order with the reason that the complainant had a matter in Supreme Court on that day, I have verified the details on the site of the Supreme Court and no such matter was there on that day or the previous or next day.

The Hon. Magistrate has asked to submit my say in which I have mentioned that the submission made by the complainant is false. With various conditions in my say most probably the Hon. Magistrate may proceed with Arguments.

Can I insist on action against the complainant on account of false submission made by them.

Adv. Mohan Chandra   08 August 2009 at 12:21

Sec 138 how to proceed with argument


Due to the absence of the complainant the Hon. Magistrate ordered closure of cross. The complainant has moved an application to re-open the cross, and I have given my say. Most probably the Hon. Magistrate may proceed with Arguments, will knowledgeable friends here please help me on how to proceed with the Arguments.

Adv. Mohan Chandra   08 August 2009 at 12:19

Sec 138 how to ptoceed with argument


Due to the absence of the complainant the Hon. Magistrate ordered closure of cross. The complainant has moved an application to re-open the cross, and I have given my say. Most probably the Hon. Magistrate may proceed with Arguments, will knowledgeable friends here please help me on how to proceed with the Arguments.

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate   08 August 2009 at 11:41

written test in the admission of -U.K.G.

Respected All,
I want to admit my daughter (age-5 yrs) in a school,in class u.k.g.
the principal of that school take written test of my daughter (there many other chields were also there 4 written test),but test result was not shown to me.
and principal told me that yr daughter is fail in test!
I ask to show copy of the test but principal not show the copy.
however there without test admission are taking in that school with source.
what can i do?
is there any remady ?
it is the matter of my daughter's year.

Meena   08 August 2009 at 10:23

OTS Settlement

My unit became a NPA in 1998. A decree was passed in 2003. The Bank called for an OTS settlement in 2004. I paid the upfront. Then, I could not fulfill my commitment. Again the bank called me for an OTS. in 2005. I started paying in instalments. There was one year time ,up to june 2007, I with the good intention, promised to pay before Dec 2006. I paid , but a percentage could be accomplished oly during March 2007. The bank accepted my payments. I deposited the amount ina joint account with my husband in the same bank. After getting the ratificationfrom the LHO, they transferred the amount to my company;s laon account. The Bank also gave me a No due certificate , not in a letter format but in the form of account statement. I made frequent reminders to the branch and LHO to return my documents. There was no response. Suddenly ,the recovery officer , from DRT ,wanted to attach the properties in Oct 2008. I submitted a petition to DRT, my petition was dismissed. I am perplexed. The no due statement ,according to the bank's contention , is not exact , there is a shadow balance. They have quoted from Narasimhan Committee. I am at a loss now and totally disillusioned with Indian Banking.

A   08 August 2009 at 10:02

Provision About Holidays in Law Firms

Please inform what is the provision about holidays in a Legal Firm (Proprietorship). Are the Law Firm (Proprietorship)not covered under any Act. What if they misuse the power. They do not give any holidays except for 3 national holidays and sundays. Even a genuine medical leave is deducted and no restricted / gazetted holiday is guaranteed. Even holidays of Voting Day and BANDH are NOT Granted. Please inform where we can complaint against the same.

gopal dutt vyas   08 August 2009 at 08:52

appointment of government pleader for courts




Adinath@Avinash Patil   08 August 2009 at 08:46


Docments exibited in proceding but relavant contents are not prooved by exminig relavant witnes whether said document read in evidence.

Adinath@Avinash Patil   08 August 2009 at 08:23

power of attorny

Is power of attorney is require to register in Ragistrar Office under Indian Registratio Act

Adinath@Avinash Patil   08 August 2009 at 07:56

amendment of complaint

complainant filed complaint u/s 138 of n.i.act.but he wants amend complaint for cure major defects.Is complaint be allowed amend his complaint.