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K.S.Srinivas   25 July 2009 at 10:54

claiming promotion

can an employee working in state public sector undertaking employee claim promotion to the higher post. If so under what grounds?

Sujit J Pathak   25 July 2009 at 00:27

Summons to Accused 138 N.I Act

Reaaly grateful to experts to spare few minutes from their busy schedulke to solve my query. If summons received by wife doesn't amount to valid service then every accused will use this to delay court proceedings.What is Apex court's view on this issue? Citations will be very helpful. Thanks in Advance.

dkshankar   24 July 2009 at 22:33

How to know what happend on a particular date in a HC matter

Dear Experts,
I am an Advocate practicing in Thanjavur Bar as a junior. I entrusted a (C.M.A) matter to an High Court Advocate in Madurai Bench of Madras High Court. I verified the cause list through web and i found the case listed there in the list. But i could not contacted the High Court Advocate ho suddenly fell ill. But i don't know what was happened on that date. Is that there will be any Diary as in the Lower court? & Is there is any provision to see the same or should i wait till the High Court Advocate to get well.
Thanks and Regards

A Truthseeker   24 July 2009 at 22:24

bail,its purpose ,whether can be used in larger perspective?

the purpose of bail is to secure the attendance of the accused at trial.but the present day crime scenario calls for granting of bail for other pupose as well. a miscreant commits crime, gets bail and the trial may last upto several years. at present an utp is provided with education by NGOs in correctional homes and some convicts are acquiring even higher degrees of learning. if at the time of granting bail the accused is given condition to restart his career as most criminals are found to be drop outs and pursue any course at any open univ. would it tantamount to any violation of any right?

SATISH KUMAR   24 July 2009 at 19:36

Hindu Succession Act, 1956

My father expired in 1996 intestate. we are 3 brothers and 3 sisters. one married sister filed a suit for partition and her share in 1999.we took plea of section 23 of the HSA,1956. now that has been deleted.there is no mention in the amendment whether it is prospective or retrospective. can she still force partition of the propert and claim her share? is the suit time barred under the limitation act ? can one of the defendant pay her the share and take relinquishment deed from her in his/her favour and save the property from beind sold? can anyone of the defendants file another suit and claim his/her share in future?will the decision in the present case operate as estopple against all the present defendants in any future suit anyone of them file for the same cause i.e partition of the intestate property? what precaution/plea can the defendants take now before the court?

Sarbajeet Roy   24 July 2009 at 18:55

Regarding Change of Surname

i have change my surname before class 10th & all my documents are in changed format.As my father is a govt. employee, he wouldn't be able to change his surname thoughout his documents since it create some problem
after retirement.However he & i also have affidavit concerning change of surname from 1st class magistrate and also published in newspaper regarding this.What else would i require to get a passport.

SATISH KUMAR   24 July 2009 at 18:44


We are three brothers and three sisters. my father died intestate. this is his separate property/self eldest sister filed suit for her share and made all other as defendants.two defendants supported her and one asked for partition.Now after deletion of section 23 of the hindu succession act , all are entitled for equal shares in the property.The amendment is prospective or restrospective in operation ? what defence can other defendants take to aviod partition of the property? and avoid selling of the property .Kindly advise.Court is forcing mediation in the matter. An Urgent advice is requested.

ranjini   24 July 2009 at 17:30

revoked settlement deed

hello ,
im ranjini from chennai,my grandfather had 2 sons and 2 daughters, he registered a settlement deed(dhana settlement) in which he gave all his property to his 2 daughter and only 1 son neglecting his other son (my father) from his properties. my grandfather didnt mention any conditions in that settlement deed.based on the settlement the property was SOLD by his son and daughter.Later he and his wife(my grand mother)was isolated by their son and daughter and was left father took care of them and recently my grandpa wanted to give his properties to my father and cancelled the settlement deed stating ,

"he was left helpless by his daughetr and son so he wanted to revoke the settlement deed".
recently he passed away.. so my query is, my father has rights to claim for the property as my grandpa revoked the settlement?
2. to what extent could the party who bought the property could object to this?

Sushanta   24 July 2009 at 15:40

Difference between Manupatra/Westlaw and

Hello there,

I am computer science research student , working on modeling of indian judicial judgements. As I am a novice for the Legal domain, could you please explain below mentioned two questions :---

1. what is the difference between a judgment available at "" and at "".

2. If a lawyer is searching for previous cases, will "" be helpful to him ?
If yes , then what is the advantage of manupatra ?
If no , then why ?

Thanks in advance.