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ad. creaminall   22 July 2009 at 09:04

negotianle instrument act

on behalf of complainant >>> a complaint filed against a partnership firm and one of its partner who was the signatory of the cheque. after filing of the complaint and after the cross examination of complainant was complete, the accused partner is expired. can i join the other partner/s as accused? plz. provide any citation/s if available.

ad. creaminall   22 July 2009 at 09:02


on behalf of complainant >>> a complaint filed against a partnership firm and one of its partner who was the signatory of the cheque. after filing of the complaint and after the cross examination of complainant was complete, the accused partner is expired. can i sue the other remaining partner/s?

Tarun Kalra LL.M, M.B.A   22 July 2009 at 06:14

section 9

is petition of section 9 of hma is maintanable from husband side, when the petition under section 125 crpc is alrready pending from the side of wife in the court. if yes then is it mandatory to metion the pending petition of 125 in the new petition of section 9 of hma? or to give any reference of pending petion of 125 crpc in new petition of section 9 hma?
plz solve

Tarun Kalra LL.M, M.B.A   22 July 2009 at 06:12

section 9

is petition of section 9 of hma is maintanable from husband side, when the petition under section 125 crpc is alrready pending from the side of wife in the court. if yes then is it mandatory to metion the pending petition of 125 in the new petition of section 9 of hma? or to give any reference of pending petion of 125 crpc in new petition of section 9 hma?
plz solve

Tarun Kalra LL.M, M.B.A   22 July 2009 at 06:10

section 9

is petition of section 9 of hma is maintanable from husband side, when the petition under section 125 crpc is alrready pending from the side of wife in the court. if yes then is it mandatory to metion the pending petition of 125 in the new petition of section 9 of hma? or to give any reference of pending petion of 125 crpc in new petition of section 9 hma?
plz solve

PALNITKAR V.V.   22 July 2009 at 05:57

Inherent powers in criminal law

Whether the courts other than HC and SC have inherent powers in Criminal matters. Please provide some rulings or provisions on the subject.

PRAKASHCHANDRA MARU   21 July 2009 at 23:22

service law

hell all learned experts
a memo is given a person who is a teacher in highskul as maths teacher stateing that
competenr but not explain in english
not taking interest of another activities of school complain from the teachers and student bad quality method of teaching the students lackness of knowledge etc which type of reply should be given to the principal or any court remedy to set aside the said memo becausse it is given by the prejudice pls inform

A Truthseeker   21 July 2009 at 22:16

punishment for false evidence should be more severe

oral evidence is the pillar on which truth of a criminal case rests. it is often found that the very complainant on the basis of whose complaint the accused is arrested and suffered detention in prison completely denies the FIR or even he/she denies the evidence given by him/her on the earlier occasion.
in such circumstances law should leave no stones unturned to immediately and adequately bring to book the perjurer.

Amitesh   21 July 2009 at 22:08

transfer of properitorship firm

I have a properitorship firm in my name. Due to the nature of business I have Vat, Cst and Tin number taken..

I am also doing a job..salary of 8 lac p.a.

Due to this, i have to pay tax for my salary income and business income..

Inorder to save tax, i would like to transfer my properitorship firm in my wifes name..

do let me know if it is possible ? All sales tax documents and licence are in my name..

is there any other better way of saving tax in my case??

Kindly guide.

Rajasekar   21 July 2009 at 21:25

cellphone tower

Can i fila a civil suit against the cellpnone operator seeking injunction against installing cellphone tower.