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vinod bansal   09 July 2009 at 21:50

account closed/sec 138 NI Act

Respected Members
My account is closed since 2003 but now my partner by mis-using my blank cheques which were in his possession has filed a crl complaint after filling the same himself us 138 of NI Act in this case bank has dishonourned the cheque mentioning that "Account closed" i want to know whether it is covered by NI Act as i have read a recent news/judgment of supreme court last month in news paper that provisions of section 138 are very limited and its covers only two situation when fund is insufficient in a/c of accused and when he exceed his arrangement in bank a/c.

MOHAN   09 July 2009 at 21:43

FALSE F.I.R. U/S 498A I.P.C.

Please provide me some caselaws on false F.I.R. u/s.498A, investigation necessary before arresting or filing F.I.R. u/s 498A.

Adv.PARVATHY S KRISHNAN   09 July 2009 at 21:13

misuse of dowry acts

hHow far 498A and other dowrys acts are being misused to harass innocent husbands and relatives?

subrahmanyam vvb   09 July 2009 at 20:31


Hi sir, Iam the sufferer of wife, she filed 498A in 2004 just after the marriage of 6months, she is belongs to bilai and she is not interested the marriage with me, which i came to know after the marriage of third day only she only directly expressed and warned me not express infront of any others, which is not expressed to her parents, but she loved someone at bilai and she wants to go there itselves. Her cusin brother also advocate cleaverly after 6 months they filed a 498A saying that beating and torturing(all these are lies). But till now the case has not come for trial also. Hence I request your goodselves that how to file divorce petition on the cruelty grounds. please suggest me with case laws.

Kiran Kumar   09 July 2009 at 19:44


If a parent forcibly takes away the custody of a child from the other parent, does this act amounts to kidnapping?

This is a broader issue, has to be seen from various angles....if possible some relevant judgments may kindly be provided.

srlaksminarasimman   09 July 2009 at 18:53

ownership to a residential house

Respected friends,
Kindly clarify the following
A (belonging to Roman catholic) died without any will. He had left a house property for his two sons. Of the two sons, one son is married and having three sons and two daughters (all are major).
The second and younger son of the deceased is not married.That second son wants to relinquish his rights in the house property in favour of his brother. what is the procedure for this relinquishment? Does it require to be registered with Sub Registrar of Registration Department? If so what will be value on which stamp duty has to be paid?

Mahesh   09 July 2009 at 16:44

Award of arbitration

In case of award of arbitration in a construction contract what is the stamp duty payable with respect to award value. If the award is on a lesser value stamp paper, how to increase the value of the stamp duty to the appropriate value and what is the time period fixed for such an upgrading prescribed if any.

natarajan nr   09 July 2009 at 16:37

a plot of land- compensation amount

I had purchased a plot of land (2400 sq ft.) in Sriperumbudur, Chennai with my hard earned money (Rs. 1 lack in 2000) through VGP. Now I understand the Govt is contemplating acquiring it and intend to pay small amount by way of compensation. I would like to know

(i) Wil not the compensation amount at par with the market vallue? If so how the market value is determined since the govt will conveniently fix the same to their liking.

(ii) I understand there is a SC judgement that land acquired for use in the public interest(international airport) can not be alienated to a private party and take a huge amount from them thus depriving a small land holder of his hard earned money.

Can I be enlighted? I am living 1100 km away from Chennai.

Sandeep Bajaj   09 July 2009 at 15:33

Whether Re- Arbitration is permissible?

Once the award is passed by an arbitrator. It becomes the decree of the court and can be executed as such. However, when an arbitration is set aside by the court (under section 71 of engilsh law) then english Law says that it is a nullity. Therefore there is no award in the eyes of law and the parties may again go to the arbitration and hence rearbitration is possible. Now the question arises is it always the case even thought the award is set aside on merits? Is there any Indian or English Judgment on this aspect?

Adv.PARVATHY S KRISHNAN   09 July 2009 at 15:19


what is the constitutional validity of 498A of i.p.c