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john   18 June 2009 at 17:07

Ancestral Property in my fathers name would go to my daughte

I am a Christian.My wife I were separated for 2years.Jan'09 she filed dowry harassment against me and family.We have one daughter.I have no property in my name.If I go for divorce,any share in my father's property will go to my daughter. My father's got this property through my grandfather's by WILL.
Please Advise.

MANISH MITTAL   18 June 2009 at 14:58


A property is belonging to a partnership firm having 3 partners. after some time one of partners retire from partnership and settle their capital account in cash and other new partner is introducted. the retirement and admissision partnership deed is registered at registrar of firms but no information is givin to sub-registar office of immovable property of state. whether the remaining partners can sell, mortgage such property without singing of retire partners. if yes, which partner will be sing at the time of mortgage at FIs.

Nehal   18 June 2009 at 14:34

Reg. transfer of shares by way of gift

Dear All

If the Company recieves a request for transfer of shares by way of gift, what all documents should the company check while giving effect to the transfer?


Ramesh N   18 June 2009 at 13:11

Enquiry about equitable mortgage

Is deposit of tax demand register extract and EC are enough for creation of equitable mortgage. As I remember there is one Supreme Court decision to the effect that "Mere deposit of tax paid receipt is enough for creation of mortgage by deposit of title deeds". As such can I get some precedent judgments on the subject matter.

deepak   18 June 2009 at 12:54

harassment by landlord

Dear Sir,

I am Deepak Tiwari living at Delhi in a Rented room from last 1 one year.
But now i want to leave this room by end of this month and i inform to my landlard about this. When i was say to him that i am leaving there room he start to behave me cruely & ruidly. first he say to me that you have to liable to repair my room before leaving after that you can go i agree with him while i had not done any brakege or modyfication in there room. even i put some 2 hangar only. beside this i repaired hangard place and now he is saying that you have to paint my room before leaving. altho i requested to him that 'see i am giving you rent for this depreciation. but he is abousing me and threating me for beating. pls note there is NO rent deed between us. and he is also make brakege in this room for further construction.

Kindly advise me why should i giving him painting charges. Kindly also Advise me where should i make complaint against him. Kindly Advise me in which Sec. i can file a complaint against him in which Hon'ble Court.

Kindly Help me at Your Earliast.

jayaveladvocate   18 June 2009 at 11:46

SC&ST Artrocities Act - protection of Converted dalits

I would like to know whether one person who is by birth a dalit converted into other Christianity is protected by the provision of Act

jayaveladvocate   18 June 2009 at 11:24

Civil Procedure Code

I am witnessing a bizzare point at point drafting the petition for the impleading the Legal reps. of the deceased litigation, the court staffs always insist on the impleading deceased and adopting the same cause title with slight modification by insertion of new Legal reps is it right. If someone is dead why should we keep him in all the subsequent Interloqutory applications, I do not object the to keep the name of the deceased in the main petition or the plaint. Can any one enlighten me the statutory warranty in this matter.

venkatesh Rao   18 June 2009 at 10:10

administrative law journal

I am badly in need of a decision reported in Administartive Law Journal of 2007. I have been running from pillar yo post; yet unsuccessful. Would anyone kindly guide where can I get the Issue of ATJ?

Rajiv Kumar Singh   17 June 2009 at 23:20

ancestral property

I am from Hindu family.

My mother and my mother’s sister are only two child of my maternal grandfather (my mother's father). My maternal grandfather (my mother's father) have ancestral property which he is in process of selling to third party without informing my mother and we assume the price money can been transferred to my mother’s sister.

Can my mother claim right on the property or money that my maternal grandfather (my mother's father) gets in the process of selling the property.

Can we stop this sale and ask for 50% of the stake in property or the money received in the process of sale.

We are apprehensive that my mother’s sister can influence my maternal grandfather (my mother's father) to will all his property or money generated in the sale of ancestral property in her name alone.

Rajiv Kumar Singh   17 June 2009 at 22:40

ancestral property inheritance

I am from Hindu family.

My mother and my mother’s sister are only two child of my maternal grandfather (my mother's father). My maternal grandfather (my mother's father) have ancestral property which he is in process of selling to third party without informing my mother and we assume the price money can been transferred to my mother’s sister.

Can my mother claim right on the property or money that my maternal grandfather (my mother's father) gets in the process of selling the property.

Can we stop this sale and ask for 50% of the stake in property or the money received in the process of sale.

We are apprehensive that my mother’s sister can influence my maternal grandfather (my mother's father) to will all his property or money generated in the sale of ancestral property in her name alone.