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pratik   24 May 2009 at 16:27

Indian Succession Act

1.) In which Act or Law or Rule or Section it is said that a minor child should be with the mother it the age 5 or till 5 years is it right or wrong.

2.)As Per Indian Succession Act what are the rules the son, daughter, mother & father should follow in the family.

pratik   24 May 2009 at 16:20

association & permises socities as per the law.

1.)what do u mean by flat owners association & permises socities as per the law.

2.)what are the tyes of conveyance deed in societies bye - laws in detail and when the are required & why they are required also the time bond to obtain it.

3.) what is structual audit & when it is done why itis done & the time bar to take the structual audit & how can take the audit which professional can take the audit.

4.)After the death of a memberof the socities upto what time the nominees have to apply to the socities also in which section it is provide.

5.) If a member wants to sublet the premisies & the society is not giving the permission to sublet then in such circumstances the registrar will have the power to give the permission as per which rule or section or act or law it is given.

6.) section 106 of the TPA transfer of property act in detail with the latest amendements if any.

please do the needful.

thanking u all experts in advance.

GAURAV S RASTOGI   24 May 2009 at 16:14




pratik   24 May 2009 at 16:06

Partnership firm

1.)In A Partnership firm if partner's are retiring or admission of the partner is done than the partnership firm has to give a legal notice in a local newspaper and also to a registar of partnership firm if yes than as per which act & section it is applicable.

please given the above query answer with a suitable example.

2.)What do u mean by probate in simple langugae & it is liable for registration & stamp duty as per which law or act or section it is applicable.

3.)what do u mean by succession certificate & indeminty bond what are the use & when it is complusory required and the time bar to obtain & also when to obtain & why?

4.)Section 17 (1) clause (a)(c) of the indian registraion act, 1908 with the example please.

pratik   24 May 2009 at 15:57

Compaines act, 1956

As per Indian Compaines act, 1956 can a indian co. granted the loan to the foreign employee or a foreign director or a subsidary company of it so in which section it is given & if the loan is given to the employee or director than they should hold a valid indian passport or a pan card as per compaines act, 1956 does the above provision is applicable or not.

pratik   24 May 2009 at 15:51

society bye - laws with amendements

1.)As per maharashtra co-operative society & maharashtra ownership flat act in which act or section it is given that before keeping the paying guest we have to take the permission for the society.

2.)For how many years does the leave & license should be made or can be made As per which section or act it is said or given.

3.) section 3(1) of the mahrashtra rent control act, 1999 with amendments please.

pratik   24 May 2009 at 15:30

Section 21,22 & 21(5) of the chartered

1.)Section 21,22,21(5),24 & 26 of the chartered Accountant Act, 1949 in detail with a good example please.

2.)Section 419, 420,471,472,468 & 469 of the indian penal code 1860.

3.)Section 41 of the maharashtra co-operative socities act,1960 & the most important how we will know that it is a resale or only a sale.

The above matter is important for a case law pending in court so please help.

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate   24 May 2009 at 12:44

district magistrate stoped supply without any cause

dear experts,
my claint has a karocin distributer agency(holesaler).
nut shall district magistrate visit a local karocine sailler(deler) and asked him that how many oil you storage?and where you purchage it?
he told that 900 liter oil he has and he purchage it from my client"s agency,but actually he purcage 1700 liter from my client"s agency, and he fallsly told to d.m. that he purchage 900 liter oil only.however he sign.1700 liter purchage silip also, but d.m. without any query take action against my clint"s agency and stoped karocine supply,witout any cause.
whenever we ask to d.m.about this matter,d.m. donot say any thing.
nither d.m. is made any offance aginst my clint nor opening the supply.
what can we do?

acsreddy   24 May 2009 at 10:35


sir can an exparte defendant depose as witnes on behalf of the contesting there any authority

Member (Account Deleted)   24 May 2009 at 09:39

Which should be given importaance

If a person has made nominee as his wife in bank Fd and if in his will he clearly states that his all Bank Fd should be transfered to his son.

Now who will apropriate toclaim for the Fd Amount?

(It is just illusionary question to clear my concept related to will and nomination)

Thanks in advance