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Tipsy   20 May 2009 at 18:36

How to Stop of Air and Noise pollution in silent Zone ?

Sub : Cracking down on Noise and Air Pollution

Dear Sirs,

Please find details for Noise and Air Pollution faced by the residents

Open Space use by the college in the Locality, which is a silent Zone, used For Marriage Functions and Parties goes on with hi fi amplifiers and loudspeakers without any regard of timings creates following

1 Noise & Air Pollution by Firecrackers bursting during Marriages and Receptions
2 Noise Created by Horns in Automobiles while parking near Marriage Hall
3 Noise Created by Use of Loud Speaker
4. Noise Created by Power Generators
5. Noise Created by Amplified music from musical groups during Marriages
C.Location : Somaya Ground,Ghatkopar (E)
D Landmark : Next to Somaya College
E Ward : N Ward
F Corporate Zone :

Resident Rights

As a valued member of this residential community, we have following desires

1. Fire Crackers to divided into light emitting and sound emitting, complete ban on
bursting sound emitting fire crackers between 10 PM to 6 AM

2 Sleep without disturbance from noise and distractions.

3 A clean environment in which to live.

4 Host has to arrange for Proper & Professional Car Parking arrangement
For guests

5 The Management Should provide dumpsters behind each Hall in which to empty trash.rather than throwing in the gutter opposite Hall
6 Shifting of Power Generator to Backside of Hall, to avoid the large Noise

7 Loud Speakers which starts from early morning disturbing the peace and
tranquility and it goes till late night.,

8 Responisibility on restriction on the use of loud speakers is with the state
police, use of sound amplifiers and the operations of loud speakers are restricted
according to the rules, but while issuing permission for the operation of
loudsepeaker guidelines are not observed

Tipsy   20 May 2009 at 18:33

Partnership deed

Can you suggest us draft for partnership deed between blood brothers

kalyani choudhury   20 May 2009 at 18:01

attendence in court

How many times can a lawyer absent himself from court hearings without harming his clients case ?

kalyani choudhury   20 May 2009 at 17:58


my lawyer has filed a limitation case for my fathers will which was produced 5 years after his death. the supreme court has issued a notice to the other party. Pls. explain the future course of action which the court will take and what action / docs. we are to prepare. in fact i need to know the entire procedure.

kalyani choudhury   20 May 2009 at 17:47

cost imposed on a party

If cost is imposed on a party by a judge for not filing Affidavits in time whom does the cost go to - the lawyer of the other party or to his client ?My lawyer claims that it goes to himself and has the cheque made up in his own name.

Krishna Kumar   20 May 2009 at 17:41

Want to componsate the Election day Holiday with another day


I am working in HR dept of an IT company and my query is,

We have declared a paid holiday on Election day in bangalore.Now i want to componsate that Holiday by asking employees to work on some other non working day.
Now my question is that can i do so legally will it comply with government rules and regulations or it will not comply.
Please help in my query ill be very thankful if some one can help me with supporting documents and legal laws.

Thanks and Regards,
Krishna Kumar

jamal   20 May 2009 at 14:29


Hi, my frnd is in some serious trouble so I need some advice.

I want to clarify that whether all telecom companies are having a audio record of all conversations all over India, or conversations are recorded only when illegal order is given.

My frnds name is kamal, he had a best frnd named seema,

Sooeone started calling seemas father and spoke nonsense about kamal and seema,

Her father has doubt on kamal and so he is been asked to attend enquiry in police station often,

before two days the assistant commissioner took kamal voice recording,

I want to know whether he can be trapped like this

Kamal used to call seema on her landline

Can previous periods recordings be available and from that they can match the voice and say it was kamal who used to call at landline also and trap him unnecessarily,

Kindly advice

Tipsy   20 May 2009 at 13:36

Seperate maintenance bill for flat & Garage is possible?

Is it possible to have separate Maintainence bill for flat and Garage as we want to make garage as registered office , at present we are getting both maintenance bill togather

Kindly advise ?

Tipsy   20 May 2009 at 13:25

No meeting called due to dispute bewten chairman & Secretary

We have a total of 39 members in our society and in the election for committee members held in Nov '06 a total of 7 members elected hairman/Secretary/Treasure and 4 other members.

Now there is dispute between secretary and chairman and no one is calling the meeting, what member should?

The Committe had taken up following jobs and are remaining pending as
No meeting is held:-
(a) Refixing of RCC Grills in staircase
(b) Clearing of chokes in rainwater pipes and drainage pipes
(c) Painting of exterior, staircases, lift, lobby renovation
(d) Fixing of Tiles in the Ground

(e) Rainwater Harvesting

Advice required - Thanx

Jatin   20 May 2009 at 12:39

Time limit to file Arbitration Application

Can anybody has judgements on limitation of filling arbitration application?

What is the time limit and when it will commence?